Aleph Upgrade Process
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
Desired Outcome Goal:
Successful upgrade to Aleph 22, 23, etc. Substitute correct version for "2n" in Procedure steps below.
1. Requirements for Installation
Review the document "Requirements for Aleph Installation" form.
Please also consult the Operating Systems requirement documentation.
2. Sizing Form
Open a Salesforce Case and complete and submit the "Automated Server Sizing Check for Upgrade Compatibility" form to verify that the existing hardware, or planned new hardware, can adequately support Aleph 2n.
As suggested in its instructions attach the form to the Case, and the environment will be checked by the Ex Libris Sizing Manager.
Make sure to indicate on the form if upgrade on the existing hardware is intended -- or new hardware. If virtualization is being used, review the "Guidelines for Using Virtual Environments for Ex Libris Products" document.
3. Who Performs Upgrade
a. If it is desired that Ex Libris should perform the upgrade, please fill out the document "Request for Aleph Upgrade by Ex Libris" attached ,@api,deki,files,61722,Request_for_Aleph_Installation_Form.doc . (Note that the Aleph Installation and Aleph Upgrade Express steps are separate: a site might contract with Ex Libris for the Installation, but run the Upgrade Express themselves.)
b. If the upgrade is being performed by the site, continue with the following steps....
4. Licenses
To obtain the necessary Aleph 2n licenses, copies of current Aleph licenses (regular and X-Server) are needed. Please create a separate Case for this license request, pasting the current Aleph licenses into a Notepad file and attaching that file to the Case.
5. Oracle Installation
Ex Libris needs to know the plans for installation of the new version of Oracle (and a new Oracle database) used by Aleph 2n. We strongly recommend that the Aleph Installation Kit (AIK) be used, being the most accurate and efficient method. Customers who have chosen not to use the AIK have experienced many time-consuming problems.
Any installation method other than the AIK must be pre-approved by Ex Libris Management.
6. Installation
a. Get the "Aleph Installation Kit v22: ACTUAL RUN" (aik22.js.docx) attached to this article (-- this also serves for the v23 AIK which is basically the same --) and
b. the "Aleph Installation Kit document" (here for Aleph v22, can be found under the 'Product documentation / Installation and Upgrade information' for the relevant version
c. Perform the installation.
7. Upgrade Express
Read the Upgrade Express documentation relevant to your upgrade, such as:
a. "Upgrade Express 20-22 High-level Overview" and "Upgrading 20-22: Upgrade Express: Actual Run" documents attached to this article;
a1. for 20 - 23: Upgrading_20-23_-UE.ACTUAL_RUN.doc
a2. for 21 - 23: Upgrading_21-23_-UE.ACTUAL_RUN.doc
a3. for 22 - 23 Upgrading_22-23_-UE.ACTUAL_RUN.doc
Upgrade Express: A_ERROR, A_WARNING, A_INFO messages " in regard to these different kinds of messages.
b. the relevant Upgrade Express 2n.01 to 2n.01 User Guide documents. (See Attachments at bottom). For v23, these are 20-21, 21-22, and 22-23.
c. Run Upgrade Express as described in the ACTUAL RUN document.
Additional Information
See also Article "How to upgrade to Aleph 21 and ARC 3.0" (ignoring the ARC part if you don't have ARC).
Upgrade Express 20-22 High-level Overview.doc.docx
Upgrading 20-22 -UE.ACTUAL RUN.doc
Automated Server Sizing Check For Upgrade Compatibility.xls
- Article last edited: 27-March-2018