Defining the mailserver in ARC
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 2
Problem Symptoms:
After changing the mailserver, the reports are not sent out to the recipients.
For configuring an Email-Account in ARC please refer to the
The configuration client can be started in ./cognos/bin/
There you can check, whether the configuration in the Properties windows for SMTP mail server is correct.
Please be check before activation of this configuration client
- that JAVA is installed correctly
- that the variable $JAVA_HOME is defined
- that the terminal is capable of running JAVA applications
A (changed) configuration will be saved to the file ./cognos/configuration/cogstartup.xml.
Alternately you could consult this configuration file directly to check the configuration in the following section, default is "localhost:25".
<!-- smtpMailServer: Specifies the host name and port of the mail server computer. -->
<!-- Use the following syntax to specify the location of the mail server: host:port. The
default SMTP port on most mail servers is 25. -->
<crn:parameter name="smtpMailServer">
<crn:value xsi:type="cfg:hostPort">localhost:25</crn:value>
Please check also, whether your outgoing mailserver allows sending of anonymous emails or whether it requires a user or password. If it requires a user/password it will need also to be defined in the configuration as SMTP Account in the Cognos configuration, as described above.
Category: ARC Configuration
Subject: Mail Server
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013