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    Duplicate Field After Abbreviation Expand

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    I am using tab_abbrev and tab_expand to change a code in one of the cataloging fields to a full word.
    However, after the expand is applied, I see 2 copies of the field: 1 before the change and 1 after.
    Why is there a duplicate of the field?

    The line in your tab_expand is this:
    WEB-FULL-1 expand_doc_fix_abbreviation

    This causes a new duplicate field to be added to the record with the non-abbreviated form of the text.

    Since you want to replace the old version with the new version, please try the following format:
    WEB-FULL-1 expand_doc_fix_abbreviation REPLACE

    (The available options are ADD and REPLACE, but ADD is the default if neither is specified.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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