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    How are recall overdue fines calculated? *MASTER RECORD*

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    What logic is used for calculating recall overdue fines?

    [Note 1: If today's date is after the original (pre-recall) due date + the tab16 grace period, then the regular overdue fine is calculated as described in the article " Cash transactions don't display in GUI Circ" (KB 8192-4555). Otherwise, the regular overdue fine is zero.]

    [Note 2: The recall overdue fine begins to be assessed only after the recall due date + the grace period is reached. See the article Recall overdue rate only kicks in after recall due date (z36-recall-due-date (KB 16384-23393).]

    Simple answer, for the usual settings:

    Situation: the regular due date is Jan. 29; the recall due date is Jan. 12; today is Jan. 22; the tab100 OVERDUE-RECALL-RATIO is set to "N", the tab18 recall fine is 2.00/day; the fine method (in tab16) is "7" ("total days, include recall"); the maximum recall fine (tab18, line 52) is $35.00.
    Steps in calculation:
    1. Jan. 22 - Jan. 12 = 10 days
    2. 10 * 2.00 = $20.00
    3. $20.00 is less than the $35.00 max, so $20.00 is the recall overdue fine.

    Note: For details on particular tab16 or tab18 parameters, consult the System Librarian Guide -- Circulation.

    Complete Answer:

    0. The number of recall overdue days = today's date - (recall due date + tab16 grace days). If the result of the preceding is zero or less, there is no recall overdue fine.

    1. If the fine method (tab16, column 14) is C, D, E, or 7 (specifying recall fine inclusion), then the system takes the z36_recall_due_date and uses the specified fine method to calculate the number of "recall overdue days". [If the fine method is not one of these four, then the recall overdue fine is always zero.]

    1a. If the fine method is an "Open days" or "Open hours" method, the program checks tab17 and omits any closed days (or hours) in calculating the fine.

    2. The system multiplies the # of days from step 1 by the regular per-day fine amount (tab16, column 11) to get the "base" fine.

    3a. If the tab100 OVERDUE-RECALL-RATIO is set to "Y", then the system multiplies the result of step 2 by the recall late return fine ratio (tab18, transaction# 0050).

    3b. And then takes the maximum fine value (tab16, column 23) and multiplies it by the recall fine limit ratio (tab18, transaction# 0052). (Note: As described in the article " Recall overdue amount not being added to overdue fines." (KB 16384-36897), the absence of a tab18 0052 line -- or an "N" in its column 4 -- will cause the recall fine to be $0.00.)

    3c. The smaller of 3a and 3b is the recall overdue fine.

    4a. If the tab100 OVERDUE-RECALL-RATIO is set to "N" (indicating that you want it to be treated as an actual amount rather than a ratio), then it multiplies the number of days from step 1 by the recall late return fine value (tab18, transaction# 0050).
    4b. And then uses the recall fine limit value (tab18, transaction# 0052) or the TAB16-MAX-FINE (col. 23) -- whichever is less -- as the limit. (Note: As described in described in the article " Recall overdue amount not being added to overdue fines."  (KB 16384-36897), the absence of a tab18 0052 line -- or an "N" in its column 4 -- will cause the recall fine to be $0.00.)

    4c. The smaller of 4a and 4b is the recall overdue fine.

    Note that in addition to the recall overdue fine, if the item has passed the pre-recall overdue date, a regular overdue fine will be created (-- as shown in step 2 above).

    Note: Rush recall fine calculation is exactly the same as the preceding calculation except: tab18, transaction# 0051 is used for the late return fine ratio (rather than 0050) [step 3a] and tab18, transaction# 0053 is used for the fine limit ratio (rather than 0052) [step 3b or 4b].



    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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