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    How is the due date calculated? *MASTER RECORD*

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    How is the due date calculated?



    The ADM library tab16 is used to calculate the due date.  The following tab16 columns determine which tab16 line is used:

      col. 1 (the Group ID, or the item's sublibrary, from tab_sub_library)

      col. 2 (item status)

      col. 3 (item process status)

      col. 4 (borrower status)


    (Note that the item collection (z30_collection) is not used.)



    For a *regular* loan (z36_source = <blank>), the system uses tab16, columns 5 and 6, to determine the due date.
    For the loan of an item with holds on it (other people waiting) (z36_source = "H"), tab16, columns 15 and 16, are used.
    tab16, columns 19 and 20, come into play for recalled items. {See the article " Requested item gets longer loan period than non-requested item" (KB 16384-40737).}
    tab16, column 27, adjusts the due-date/-hour to the tab17 Closing time, the next day's opening time, etc.

    util f/2/9 is useful in determining what the due date for a particular sublibrary/patron status/item status combination would be.

    If the item would come due on a closed day (as determined by tab17), the due date is changed to the next open day. As described in the article Closed days not excluded from loan period calculation (KB 16384-27905), Closed days are not otherwise excluded from the loan period calculation.

    For Booking loans (z36_source = "B"), tab43 determines the due date.

    Additional Information

    See also: 

    Article "Tools for diagnosing loan/renew/due-date problems"

    Article "Same (too short) due date always used for particular item or item status"


    • Article last edited: 01/17/2016
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