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    ILL Links in OPAC files

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    From version 18 on many pages in the WWW OPAC have suffixes like "-ill-00" and "-ill-02". These suffixes are related to the ill mode switch in $alephe_tab/tab100. Here you have the options:

    ILL-MODE=0: Web ILL (this was a special development that is only used in a few sites worldwide)
    ILL-MODE=1: "Old" GUI ILL (the GUI ILL which was the only choice until version 16)
    ILL-MODE=2: "New" Integrated GUI ILL (the GUI ILL which is new in version 18 and will be the only choice from version 19 on)

    An example of a group of OPAC files with suffixes:


    The file head-1-bor is used for ILL-MODE=1. If you switch your ILL mode to 2 (i.e. implement the new GUI ILL) the file head-1-bor-ill-02 becomes active. In order to save time you may rename your head-1-bor to head-1-bor-ill-02. The only line you need to change is the ILL link within the file.

    Another affected set of files is full-set-head. Please note that previously you had two versions of this file, one for registered users (full-set-head-bor) and one for guests (full-set-head-nobor). With implementing the new GUI ILL these two files will be merged, and only full-set-head-ill-02 is used.

    Please note that the ILL link in direct-head needs to be edited as well. This was corrected in version 19 only, but unfortunately it was not done for version 18. Per default the ILL link in direct-head is set up for ILL-MODE=0 (WEB ILL), so this change is important for customers with the old GUI ILL as well.

    Open your direct-head file. You will find the following link:

    <a href='javascript:open_window("&server_f?func=service-ill&doc_number=$0600");' title="ILL Request" class="blue">ILL Request</a>

    For ILL-MODE=1, change it to:

    <a href="&server_f?func=ill-request-doc&doc_number=$0100" title="ILL Request" class="blue">ILL Request</a>

    For ILL-MODE=2, change it to:

    <a href="&server_f?func=new-ill-request-l&doc_library=$0300&doc_number=$0100" title="ILL Request" class="blue">ILL Request</a>

    Additional Information

    ILL2, suffixes

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013