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    Inactive courses show in Union View when title is also used for active course

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    In version 19, we have many course materials that are used by multiple courses, some of which are not active. I.e. the bib record still has some historical link to its course record.

    Prior to version 19, these old not active courses were suppressed from the web OPAC by use of the period keyword index WPE filtering on *NA*.

    The keyword index filter still works, in that we can not search for these not active courses.

    However, the course expand which builds virtual CNO fields creates the CNO for all courses linked to the bib record, even if the course is not active. So when I expand the CNO into the full record display, all these old courses are listed along with the current ones. How can I display the CNO information in the OPAC for only the active courses?

    E.g. title "Tissue and organ regeneration in adults". This is connected to about 10 courses. I have the OPAC set to display up to 3 courses (CNO $$8 1-3). The three that are displayed are all inactive. The two that are active to not appear. Even if I configure the display for 10 courses, we don't want to see those 8 inactive ones.

    Corrected by:

    v19 rep_change 704
    v20 rep_change 119

    A parameter has been added to the expand_doc_merge_union_crs program: if the word "ACTIVE" is written as a parameter (col. 3 in tab_expand), then only active courses (Z108-PERIOD does not contain "NA") will be displayed. For example:

    ! 1 2 3
    WEB-FULL expand_doc_merge_union_crs ACTIVE

    If no parameter is added, the expand program will work as before.

    This is noted in section 4.4 (expand_doc_merge_union_crs) of the "System Librarian’s Guide – Course Reading and Reserves".

    Note: the ACTIVE parameter has been added to the expand_doc_merge_union_crs lines in the distributed v20 usm30 tab_expand with v20 rep_change 2614.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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