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    Incorrect links from bib record to ADM records

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    In the Web OPAC, we see items for other ADM records which are in no way connected to the bib record we are looking at. util f/3/12 for this bib number shows multiple, extraneous ADM numbers.

    ADM records can be linked to bib records in one of two ways:

    1) ADM link (coming from an LKR, type ADM, field in the ADM doc record). The z103 record has z103_lkr_type = ADM.

    A bib record can have only one z103 with "z103_type_lkr = ADM" per ADM library. (Of course, in a multi-ADM situation it can have multiple ADM-type links for *different* ADM libraries.)

    If the single type-ADM link of the bib record for a particular ADM library is to the *wrong* ADM record, please consult KB 4071.

    2) ITM link (coming from an LKR, type ITM or ANA, field in the *bib* record -- or from a tab_z103 line). The z103 record has z103_lkr_type = ITM.

    LKR ANA fields in the xxx01 bib record link a parent analytic to its constituent parts.

    These LKR fields are entered in by staff. Erroneous links could have been mistakes from the beginning, or they could be the result of xxx50 ADM records having been deleted. As described in KB 8192-3449 (based on US PRB 4734), the deletion of an ADM record does not cause the deletion of the bib record LKR fields linking to that ADM record via ITM-type links.

    What you should do, for now, is to run the SQL in KB 8192-3449 and give this list of xxx01 numbers to staff and have them delete any incorrect LKR fields.

    tab_z103 says what programs should be executed for z103 link creation. The creation of the links from the bib and adm LKR fields is the result of the "update_z103_lkr" line in the xxx01 and xxx50 tab_z103's..

    But other programs which generate links *not* based on LKR fields can be specified in tab_z103. Prior to version 16, the USM50 tab_z103 was being distributed with an "update_z103_order_itm" line. The problems associated with this line are described in SKB 8192-3562. If you have it, you should delete it.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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