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    Print Preview window not closing in Aleph 22 HtmlPrint with Java 8:

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 22

    Problem Symptoms:
    When using Java 8 with Windows, and there are multiple letters from a cir_51 run, and one is using print 'Preview', the windows are not closing. One has to right click on the HTMLPrint job and tell it to close the window. Then the next one will open.


    Uncertain. After installing certain Windows updates the problem was not seen with any of the following combinations:

    Windows 7 - Java 7
    Windows 7 - Java 8
    Windows 8 - Java 7
    Windows 8 - Java 8

    It seems that one of the updates -- or something else? -- fixed the problem.

    Additional Information

    * When selecting preview of a file that include up to 3 printouts, each printout is opened in a separate window and the GUI remains active while the windows are opened.
    * When there are more than 3 printouts, the printouts are displayed one by one. When closing one preview, the next one is opened and so on till reaching the 'PreviewLimit' in Alephcom

    Category: System Management (500)