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    Tools for diagnosing loan/renew/due-date problems

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Successful diagnosis of loan/renew/due-date problem.

    1. Consult Article 000033462 ("How is the due date calculated?") (link below).

    2. Use util f/4 for the z36 to see the current loan record for the particular item/patron, including the z36_sub_library, z36_item_status, and z36_bor_status, which are needed for locating the relevant circulation situation in tab16.

    3. Use the following SQL to see the original loan event, *all* renewal transactions, and the return of a particular patron/item (if it has occurred):

    > s+ xxx50
    SQL> select Z35_EVENT_DATE, Z35_EVENT_HOUR, Z35_EVENT_TYPE from z35 where Z35_REC_KEY = '007363516' and
    Z35_ITEM_SEQUENCE = '000010' and z35_id = 'XXX000089902' order by Z35_EVENT_DATE, Z35_EVENT_HOUR ASC;

    4. Use the following SQL to see the original loan, renewals, due-date-changes, overdue notices, and return of a particular

    > s+ xxx50
    SQL> select Z309_DATE_X, z309_action, Z309_OVERRIDE, z309_text, z309_data from z309 where z309_rec_key_3 =
    '007363516000010' and substr (z309_rec_key,1,12) = 'XXX000089902';

    Note that this same info is available in GUI Circ as “Circulation Log”, under “Patron Activity”, in the tree on the left.

    5. util f/2/9 (in xxx50 ADM library) (Display/Check Due Date Routine)

    Additional Information

    Article link:  How is the due date calculated? *MASTER RECORD*

    See also, Article 000019578 ( Requested item gets longer loan period than non-requested item ) in regard to due-dates for recalls/holds.  

    Example for above step 3. Sample SQL and results showing z35 events for a particular circulation event:

    > s+ xxx50
    SQL> select Z35_EVENT_DATE, Z35_EVENT_HOUR, Z35_EVENT_TYPE from z35 where Z35_REC_KEY = '007363516' and
    Z35_ITEM_SEQUENCE = '000010' and z35_id = 'XXX000089902' order by Z35_EVENT_DATE, Z35_EVENT_HOUR ASC;
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    -------------- -------------- --
    20130909 1003 50 [Loan]
    20130916 935 63 [GUI Renew]

    Example for above step 4. SQL and sample results:

    > s+ xxx50
    SQL> select Z309_DATE_X, z309_action, Z309_OVERRIDE, z309_text, z309_data from z309 where z309_rec_key_3 =
    '007363516000010' and substr (z309_rec_key,1,12) = 'XXX000089902';
    **** Hit return to continue ****
    Z309_DATE_X Z309_ACTION Z Z309_TEXT
    ------------ ----------- - --------------------------------------------------
    201309091003 1 N Regular loan
    Regular loan, due date 09/16/13 09:00 PM.

    201309130705 15 N Courtesy letter created
    Loan notice letter created.

    201309160935 11 N Staff (GUI) renewal
    Staff renewal. New due date 09/23/13 07:30 AM.
    201309160943 23 N Due date changed forward
    Due date changed to 09/23/13 06:30 PM from original due date 09/23/13.


    Category: Circulation

    • Article last edited: 12/2/2013