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    What does ue_06 do?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    What does ue_06 do?

    ue_06 goes through the ADM library's z37 (and z38) tables looking for requests with:

    Z37-STATUS = "A";
    Z37-REQUEST-DATE =< today
    Z37-END-REQUEST-DATE >= today*

    and which are available (no z36 exists for them). (Same for the z38.)

    ue_06 checks such requests against tab39 {the Hold request daemon (ue_06) configuration table}. If it finds a match, it will print a "call slip", which the staff will use to get the item, and it will change the z37_print_status to "P".

    If the item is not available, it changes the z37_status (or z38_status) to "W" (Waiting) and creates a "request not filled" notice. Thus, for hold requests, ue_06 is relevant only to a closed-stacks situation. (For photocopies, it could be relevant in either case.)

    The check_item_avail_ue_06 program considers an item to be unavailable under the following conditions:

    * a z36 (loan) record exists for the item
    * SW-ON-HOLD = Y (item -- or item in same "hold group" -- is already on hold)
    * SW-EXPECTED = Y (item is expected, not yet arrived)
    * TAB15-SHELF-TYPE (col. 8) = T
    * "pc_cir_list_holds" shows not available

    See the Article "Call-slip & hold-request-slip forms; creating customized hold-slip-request form" for descriptions of relevant form_eng forms.

    In regard to the z37 hold requests, if a site doesn't allow the placement of holds on available items and is running cir-12, then ue_06 will not do anything useful. In fact, it seems that it might (sometimes?) cause a problem by processing requests which have not yet been processed by p_cir_13, changing their z37_status to "W". This will prevent their processing by p_cir_13 (that is, prevent the generation of a recall notice). Setting the z37_status to "W" can also cause a returned item to not have a hold slip printed when it is returned, but, instead, have a list of holds printed.

    If you don't allow holds on available items and are running cir-12 -- and especially if you are seeing Z37s being undesirably changed to status "W" --, then you may want to consider not running ue_06.

    Note:  the cir-12 Service also creates Call Slips for Requests.  Normally sites have at least one of these (ue_06 or cir-12) running.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 23-Mar-2017
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