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    Why do deleted AUT records appear in the browse list

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    After deletion of AUT records (setting position 5 in field LDR to “d”) sometimes the link from BIB to AUT is not removed and the AUT can still be seen in the browse list.
    Authority records were updated by loading them using “Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records (manage-18)”.


    The process is as following:
    1) set "d" in LDR to delete the AUT doc.
    2) ue_11 sets to "update" the z01 headings in BIB linked to this AUT doc (specifically, to update the AUT link).
    3) ue_08 checks these headings. It looks for an AUT doc linked to the corresponding Z01 heading in AUT.

    The problem is in step 3) It stills find the AUT doc because it wasn't processed yet by ue_01 running in xxx10. There was a backlog of Z07's in xxx10 (due to the running of “Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records (manage-18)”) and therefore things got in the wrong order.

    We would suggest to stop ue_08 before running a “Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records (manage-18)” job of this kind.

    Category: Cataloging (500)

    Subject: Authorities (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013