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    Why is a new subscription automatically added when the “From date” is changed

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    Changing the ?€œFrom Date?€? in a subscription leads to closing the existing subscription and to automatically creating a new one if ?€¦
    * the new ?€œFrom Date?€? is earlier than the current one
    * parameter UPD-SUBS-FROM-ORDER in xxx50/tab/tab100 is set to ?€œY?€?

    UPD-SUBS-FROM-ORDER=Y in ./xxx50/tab/tab100

    This system behavior was implemented with rep_ver 4190 in Aleph 19:

    Description: Whenever a subscription is attached to an order, and one of a list of five common fields is being updated in the order, then the attached subscription should be updated with that change also.
    The automatic update depends on setting of tab100 new flag:


    Default value for that flag is 'N'. Default handling is no update from order to subscription, like it used to be.

    The following scenarios will be influenced by the new tab100 flag:
    1) Update of an Order - When one of the following fields is being updated in the order, and the new flag is set to 'Y', then all attached subscriptions to that order (last sequence of each such subscription only) will be influenced:
    - A change in z68_vendor_code will update z16_vendor_code
    - A change in z68_delivery_type will update z16_delivery_type
    - A change in z68_vendor_reference_no will update z16_vendor_order_number
    - A change in z68_subscription_date_from will update z16_copy_from_date
    - A change in z68_subscription_date_to will update z16_copy_to_date

    Special Case: When z68_subscription_date_from is changed to a newer date than current's z16_copy_from_date, then handling is as if "Create New" is done, and a new sequence will be opened for that subscription and the current one will be closed.
    2) Serial Tab - Update/Create a subscription: Whenever an order number is changed in the Order No. edit box, that order's 5 common field's values will be loaded to the subscription's form.
    ********** End #014190 **********

    Category: Acquisitions (500)

    Subject: Orders (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013