Alma Migration Considerations for Consortia
- Network Zone (NZ) – combined database of shared bibliographic records
- Institution Zone (IZ) – local institutions that contribute records to the NZ and share records previously contributed by other members
Catalog Records
- New Shared Catalog: The site did not work with a central catalog before implementing Alma. The site may have contributed records to a shared discovery tool, but the actual cataloging maintenance was done separately. In this case, the migration process generates the NZ from the various IZs. In this scenario, the site ensures that there is a single standard shared identifier (such as OCLC ID or other standard ID) across the records in order to allow the Network Zone to be populated and de-duplicated based on this defined identifier. Typically, the largest members’ relevant records are contributed to the Network Zone first, and smaller sites either link to already contributed records or contribute their unique records. Only records with relevant matching criteria are considered for contribution and linking.
- Previous Shared Catalog: The site worked with a central shared cataloging environment before implementing Alma. Here, the shared catalog is provided at the beginning of the migration process, and it is loaded to the NZ first. The IZ cataloging records + administrative data (inventory, fulfillment, and acquisitions) are loaded and linked subsequently.
See the sections below for more detailed information about the two processes.
New Shared Catalog
- If an identifier exists and a matched record is not found in the NZ, the IZ record is contributed to the NZ and becomes the master NZ record.
- If a match is found in the NZ, the IZ record is not contributed. Linking is done later.
- See the section below about Local Extensions for information on how subsequent institutions may retain local information in locally defined tags.
Local Extensions (MARC)
Local Extensions (Unimarc)
Contents of the NZ Record
Extraneous Identifiers
Customers must ensure that there are no extraneous identifiers in their bib records which may interfere with proper matching. If using non-OCLC matching, Ex Libris recommends to use a unique prefix for the unique identifier which cannot be confused with other identifiers. If using OCLC matching, there may be extraneous OCLC numbers in the bibliographic record for one reason or other.
In particular, the migration programs automatically copy the contents of the 001 (identifier) and the 003 (prefix) into an 035 during migration. Some former systems such as Symphony and Millennium/Sierra keep an OCLC number in the 001; during migration this copied to the 035.
Sometimes the 001's OCLC number is good, but sometimes it is bad/incorrect.
Since this number may interfere with matching, Ex Libris recommends to remove these numbers from the 001 prior to migration if there is any chance its movement to 035 may interfere with NZ matching.
Regular (Non-OCoLC) match method
Partial matching
- 035 $a and 035 $z
- 035 $a only (by special request)
OCoLC match method
- (OCoLC)12341234 is the same as (OCoLC)ocm12341234
- (OCoLC)567856789 is the same as (OCoLC)ocn567856789
- (OCoLC)23456789 is the same as (OCoLC)on23456789
Normalization Flow for OCLC match method
- 035 |a (OCoLC)41319586 is normalized to: (ocolc)41319586
- 035 |z (OCoLC)ocn41319586 is normalized to: (ocolc)41319586
- 035 |a (OCoLC)ocm00041319586 is normalized to: (ocolc)41319586
- 035 |a ocm00041319586 is normalized to: (ocolc)41319586
If a number has an (OCoLC) prefix and another prefix too, like (OCoLC)abc12345, then the number abc12345 is included in the OCLC match process, and will match other numbers like (OCoLC)abc12345.
Multiple Matches
Multiple Incoming Identifiers
Multiple Matches Within the Same Institution
Consequently, you may consider combining these records in your source ILS prior to migration. Multiple bibliographic records for the same OCLC number may be a holdover from previous cataloging practices in an isolated ILS, but in Alma with a Network Zone topology, multiple IZ bib records linked to the same NZ master cannot be searched and retrieved.
Records not Contributed to the NZ (for New Central Catalogs)
- Migration-generated boundwiths (where the linkages are built based on IZ specific inventory)
- Other local institutional records that have no relevant ID
Suppressed Records
Ignore CZ records
Links Between Records
- Relationships are built based on the standard MARC/UNIMARC/KORMARC linking fields between bibliographic records. One direction of linking is sufficient to create the bi-directional linkage, meaning that only one of the bibliographic records needs a tag.
In order to see More Info related records in Alma, the bibliographic record and its target linked bibliographic record must exist in the active institution in which you are working in Alma. That is, if both bibliographic records linked together are in the NZ, a "More Info" link is displayed. If only one of the two bibliographic records is in the institution in which you are working, the More Info link is not displayed in Alma.
- Alma's end-user services menu (GetIt and ViewIt) do bring in relationships across the consortium, however. That is, if the Alma resolver does not find a related record match in the Institution Zone, it searches for matches in the NZ as well. If it finds a match in the NZ and that match has related records, the Alma resolver searches the IZ for the record that links to the related record found in the NZ.
The services menu approach is intended to be used via Primo only where all services are offered.
- It is possible to enrich the standard Bib-level link with an additional pointer on the Bib linkage to the level of an item in the target record by putting issue information into the $g subfield with the following prefixes:
- No – provide the specific chronology A OR barcode of the linked item
- yr – provide the YYYY year of the linked issue
- iss – provide the issue # of the linked issue
- p – provide the specific page of the linked issue
- Linking to journal issue to specific item via barcode:
773 18 $$tJournal of Neuroradiology.$$w(MaFC)003379300 $$gno:34990398830
- Linking to journal issue to specific item chronology in specific year and issue on specific page. This requires the appropriate fields (like CHRON_I) in the item record to be filled in:
773 18 $$tJournal of physics.$$w(MaFC)002274900 $$gyr: 1975 $$gno:22 $$giss:3 $$gp:35-49
Previously Shared Catalog
The migration team loads the entire shared deduplicated set of bibliographic records to the NZ before any other IZs are migrated. The bibliographic records in the IZ are matched against the NZ bibliographic records, using the single shared bibliographic identifier of the previous system or other unique key.
- If a match is found in the NZ, the migration programs create a local IZ record with just the local extensions and load that to the NZ.
- If no match is found in the NZ, the migration programs load the entire record to the local IZ. This is unlikely but possible depending on the functionality of the previous system.
Extraneous Identifiers
As with the New Shared Catalog, customers must ensure that there are no extraneous identifiers in their bib records which may interfere with proper matching. It is recommended to use a unique prefix for the unique identifier which cannot be confused with other identifiers. In particular, if a number from a national bibliographic agency such as OCLC is used, there may be extraneous numbers for one reason or another, using the same prefix.
In particular, the migration programs automatically copy the contents of the 001 (identifier) and the 003 (prefix) into an 035 during migration. Some former systems such as Symphony and Millennium/Sierra keep the OCLC number in the 001; during migration this copied to the 035.
Sometimes these numbers are good, and sometimes these numbers are bad/incorrect.
Since this number may interfere with matching, Ex Libris recommends to remove these numbers from the 001 prior to migration if there is any chance its movement to 035 may interfere with NZ matching.
Links Between Records
Local Authorities
Electronic Inventory
Patrons (IZ-IZ)
This section describes the situation where patrons in two (or more) different IZs are linked to each other.
It is very common for patrons to have duplicate patron records at various institutions in a consortium. If the legacy ILS has linking information that allows for the migration processes to create a link between records, the migration program attempts to link the records when loading into Alma. There are two kinds of patron records:
- Master patron – the patron record of the patron at their home institution
- Stub patron – a copy of the patron record for use at visited institutions
Clear Link
- Migrate all master patrons
- Migrate only those stub patrons that are necessary for maintaining a link to active loans, requests, and fines/fees. The extracts delivered should provide only the stub patrons that are in use.
Common Identifiers
No Link or Common Identifiers
Loans, Requests, and Fines Linked to Patrons
This section describes fulfillment activities for linked patrons, in an IZ-IZ relationship as described above in 'Patrons (IZ-IZ)'.
Active Loans

Requests/Holds on the Hold Shelf
- Make a copy of the bib/item in the pickup DB. In this case, the copy of the bib/item needs to be cleaned up in Alma after the transaction is complete.
- Migrate the request record to the item’s DB. In this case, if the pickup DB is different than the item’s DB, when the customer comes into the library to pick up the item, the hold/recall record may not be accessible to staff members in the pickup DB (depending on permissions).
Active Fines and Fees

Patrons (NZ-IZ)
The migration team does not load users to the NZ. If you wish to have patrons in your NZ environment and link them to patrons in the IZ, please see the page Centrally managing users in a Network Zone.

- Provide a global vendor file and corresponding local vendor files. Alma migration does the following:
- loads the global vendor file in the NZ
- loads the local vendor files into the IZ
- After, the 'Distribute network acquisition changes to members' job can be run according to information on this page: Sharing Vendor Information in a Network Zone.
- Provide vendor files for each institution, with no link to other vendors. Vendors are loaded into each institution individually, as illustrated in the Non-shared vendors section in the diagram above.