Network-Managed Records in a Network Zone
- When you create or import a new record (through various procedures), you can select to manage the record in the institution or the network. An administrator can restrict records to be managed only in the network.
- You can copy (share) local records to network records, which creates the network-managed record and links the local record to it. Before creating the record, Alma tries to match an existing network-managed record. You can also link a local record to an existing network-managed record. And you can copy (without linking) Community Zone records to create network-managed records.
Changes made to linked network records are automatically reflected in local records. You can view information on activity related to linked records in a report.
- Similarly, you can copy records from the network to the institution, either creating new, unlinked local records or new, linked local records linked to the network-managed record.
- You can add local extensions to records managed at the network level. In this way, some of the record's information is only visible at the local institution. Adding extensions to a network record automatically creates a local, linked record.
- A repository search can be performed over institution, community, or network records. You can configure inventory management groups to restrict access to electronic resources by institution, in addition to the usual restrictions by library. See Repository Search in a Collaborative Network.
- Inventory management groups can be used to restrict or enable access to inventory by institution. For more information, see Configuring Distributed Access to Electronic Resources When Working with a Network Zone.
Selecting Where to Create New Bibliographic Records
- Imported records from the Institution Zone can be imported to either the local repository or to the network zone repository. The network zone administrator has the ability to decide which member institutions of the consortia can import records into the network zone repository. This configuration is available in the network zone institution under (Alma Configuration > Resources > Record Import > Restrict Import to Network).
The network zone has a list of all its members and can opt to restrict each of them from being able to import records to the network zone repository by activating the toggle button ON ().
From the member perspective (Institution Zone as part of a Consortia), when a new import profile is being configured and the member is restricted by the network zone, the configuration is displayed as such:
This new behavior does not affect existing import profiles, only new ones!
- Importing records: When configuring a Repository type import profile, select Use Network Zone to import records to the Network Zone.
When central_record_management is set to ENFORCE_NETWORK, Use Network Zone is set to yes and cannot be changed.

- Similarly, when importing records by creating an OCLC Connexion integration profile. See Importing Records from OCLC Connexion.
In the OCLC Connexion integration profile, the Use Network Zone record option will import records to the Network Zone only if there is no match with an existing Network Zone record. If a match with a Network Zone record is found, that Network Zone record is used, and the record will not merge with OCLC record.
- Creating a new bibliographic record: In the MD editor, select Network for the Placement of new records and templates parameter (File > Options) to add a new record as a network-managed record; see Navigating the MD Editor Page. (The option Network may appear as something else if an administrator configures the network_label parameter; see Configuring Other Settings.) When central_record_management is set to ENFORCE_NETWORK, the Placement of new records and templates parameter is disabled and defaults to Network.
MD Editor File > Options Dialog Box
- Manually adding a portfolio/physical item/digital representation: The field Placement of new record appears on the relevant page for adding the item's details. Select Network to create the record in the Network Zone. (The label Network may appear as something else by configuring the network_label parameter; see Configuring Other Settings.) When central_record_management is set to ENFORCE_NETWORK, Placement of new record is disabled and defaults to Network.
New Portfolio PageFor more information see Adding a Standalone Portfolio, Adding Physical Resources, or Creating Digital Resources.
- Adding portfolios using the portfolio loader: In the Bibliographic area of the activation wizard, in the Select catalog field select Network to create bibliographic records for the portfolios in the Network Zone. When central_record_management is set to ENFORCE_NETWORK, Select catalog is disabled and defaults to Network.
Activation Wizard: File Upload PageIf no match is found in the Network Zone, the record is added to the Network Zone and the portfolio is linked to the record. When a single bibliographic record match is found in the Network Zone, a link to that record is created. When multiple matches are found in the Network Zone, no record is created and manual handling may be required. For more information see Adding, Updating, or Removing Local Portfolios in Bulk Using an Excel File.
Working with Validation Exception Profiles in the Network
Working with Normalization Rules in the Network
Preventing the Addition of Local Fields to Network Zone Records
On the Metadata Configuration List page (see Configuring Cataloging), select the MARC 21 Bibliographic link in the Profile column.
Select the Validation Exception Profile List tab.
Select Actions > Edit for the "MarcXML Bib Metadata Editing On Save" profile.
On the Validation Severity Profile Exceptions page, select Local field cannot be added on network record in the Add Validation Severity Exception section, and select Add Validation Severity Exception.
Copying and/or Linking Local and Network Zone Bibliographic Records
- When editing a local record in the MD editor, select Tools > Validate in Network Zone. This works similar to validating the record in the local institution (Tools > Validate), but the validation is performed against the Network's Zone's validation routines.
- When editing a local record in the MD editor, select File > Share With Network. If central_record_management is set to ENFORCE_NETWORK (see Configuring Other Settings), the Share With Network option does not appear for most records. This option continues to appear for migrated records that are not yet part of the Network Zone. If a match is found in the Network Zone, you can preview the match or select from among multiple matches; select Link beneath the desired matching record to link the institution record to the existing Network Zone record. If no matches are found, the institution record is linked to a new Network Zone record.
From the new Metadata Editor, select View Related Data > View versions of original record.
- When creating a new local portfolio, select Use existing title for Creation Type. The Placement of new record field is removed from the page. Use the Choose Title field to select a record in the Network Zone (or Community Zone). Selecting a Network Zone record creates a new institution record linked to the Network Zone record.
- When creating a new local digital representation, select Existing and use the Title field to select a record in the Network Zone.
- When creating a physical item, select Existing in the Choose Holding Type dialog box and then use the Title field in the Quick Cataloging page to select a record in the Network Zone.
- When editing a Network Zone record or a linked record in the MD Editor, select File > Copy to Catalog. The result is an unlinked local copy of the record and a Network Zone copy of the record.
- In the simple Record View page for a Community Zone record (perform an All Titles search in the Community Zone and select the record title), select Copy to Network to copy the record to the Network Zone.
Adding Local Extensions to Bibliographic Records in the Network Zone
- Catalog Operator
- Catalog Manager
- Only one metadata format at a time per network is supported for local extensions. That is, a network’s members can work with UNIMARC local extensions or MARC 21 local extensions, but not both.
- When a member edits a Network Zone record of a MARC profile that has an extension pack in the NZ level, only when cataloging a Normal field the controlled vocabulary part of the NZ extension pack will be available.
When a member edits an Institution Zone record of a MARC profile that has an extension pack in the IZ level, only when cataloging a Local extension field (with the institution icon), the controlled vocabulary part of the IZ extension pack will be available.
Adding Local Extensions Using the MD Editor
- Open a Network Zone record in the MD Editor.
- Select Editing Actions > Add Local Extension to enter a local field (see above for supported MARC 21/UNIMARC local fields).
59X Field Added as a Local Field
Subfield $9 should not be used in local extensions in the Network Zone records.
Adding Local Extensions Using Import
When a Network Zone member selects the Use Network Zone option in the Profile Details section of the import profile for Repository, Update Inventory, New Order, and Digital types of import profiles, the Network Zone Records Handling section appears on the Normalization and Validation tab in the import profile.
With the Import local extensions parameter you can import local fields. Select the Yes option to add, merge, or overlay local extensions when you import records. See the above for the local fields to which this applies. When you select the No option, there is no impact to local extensions when importing records. The default option is No.
When importing local extensions with the Import local extensions parameter set to Yes, the system uses the Match Actions that you select on the Match Profile tab to determine how to handle merge and overlay actions.
When you select the Add To NZ option for Upon no match (on the Match Profile tab), the system adds local extension fields when the Import local extensions parameter is set to Yes and there is no match.
See Managing Import Profiles for more information.
Managing Local Fields Using a MARC 21 Bib Normalization Job

- In the Metadata Editor, create a normalization rule. See Working with Normalization Rules.
For network-managed records, normalization rules run only on the shared data fields.
- In the Metadata Configuration List page (Configuration Menu > Resources > Cataloging > Metadata Configuration), select the desired format and create a normalization process for the purpose of adding local extensions to Network Zone-linked records. See Working with Normalization Processes.
- Create/save the set of records to be updated.
- Run a normalization job. The job’s name is based on a normalization process that you created and appears in the list of manual jobs that you can run on defined sets. See Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
Harvesting Community Zone Linked Electronic Records
The Network Harvesting Report
- Resource ID
- Type of operation in the network (update, deletion, error)
- ID of the member institution that performed the operation
- Date of the operation
Creating Templates in the Network Zone
- Open the MD Editor and create an authority record with the fields you want and select Save as Template.
The template you saved appears under the Templates tab in the Network Zone and in the member institutions:- In the Network Zone, the template appears with the local institution icon;
- In the member institutions, the same template appears with the Network Zone icon.
For more information about creating templates, see Working with Record Templates.
Other Authority Templates

Assigning a Network Zone Cataloging Record to a Cataloger of Another Institution
- In MD Editor, edit/view a Network Zone record and select Assign Record to Another Cataloger (in Record Actions menu).
The Assign Record to Another Cataloger dialog box opens.
- Indicate the following information in the dialog box:
Field Description Select Institution Select the network member institution. Assign To Select the user to whom to assign the record.
The list of users that appears includes users with the following roles in all the network's institutions: Catalog Administrator, Catalog Manager, Cataloger Cataloger, Extended.Note Optionally, write any note. The note can be viewed by any user. Send as Email Select to send an email to the assignee user, in addition to the above.
If this option is not selected, the record appears in the list of open records of the the assignee cataloger, grouped with all other 'assigned' records. - Select "Assign To".
When working with bibliographic and authority Network Zone records, you can assign the NZ record to a cataloger of another institution within the Network Zone. To enable this functionality, set the customer parameter enable_nz_record_assignment to True in the Network Zone environment. This parameter is available only for the Alma Network Zone environment. This means that the network sets this policy for all its member.
The ability to assign the NZ record to a cataloger of another institution is available only in the new Metadata Editor.