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    "Mandatory field is missing" in SIS version 2 (more technical answer)




    When loading student information files there are errors such as: "Mandatory field is missing: email type."  This occurs when testing version 2 for SIS loader (Student Information Systems, User Integration Profile).  



    On the Alma side:

    For Version 1 of the SIS input file, required fields are configured in: Configuration > User Management > Mandatory Fields. Note however that for Version 2 of the SIS input file, hard-coded Mandatory Fields have priority, as explained in the Development Network

    For the SIS input file:

    1. Verify each mandatory field exists in the SIS file  (minOccurs="1"), as listed in
    2. Verify all existing fields contain valid data
    3. Field name in error message appears after colon (: email type).  "Email type" field is missing data in at least one user record in the file. 
    4. Provide a global default for mandatory fields which will be replaced by real data if it exists.  Email type can have a set value.  Consider using values which could be queried from Analytics for variable data fields. example: phone 555-555-5555., email, address line 1:  not my real address
    5. XSD fields which are optional and unused in your system may be left out of the SIS file.  Examples might include job description, pin_number, web_site_url.
    Additional Information

    Verify minimum and maximum number of occurrences defined for 'missing' data element: 

    For example if the values are:       minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"     field is optional but may not be repeated in the file for any given user 

    See Developer's Network: for additional details


    • Article last edited: 13-JAN-2022