Configure FTP Server of Type MVS
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
How to set up FTP server using an EDX server, and MVS operating system? This is used for example when publishing to OCLC.
Follow the documentation for "Configuring S/FTP Definitions" section of the Alma Administration Guide.
Unless explained differently in the documentation, this means:
Navigate to Configuration Menu > S/FTP definitions
Define your FTP server:
1) FTP Server Type: MVS
2) FTP Server Secured: Should not be selected
3) FTP Passive Mode: Should be selected
4) When defining FTP connection to an MVS server, the subdirectory value must not be empty or contain quotes.
For example, use:
and not:
5) When adding/updating a publishing profile to use a FTP connection to an MVS server, the sub-directory value must be the full path of the sub-directory where the library wants the files to be located.
6) Configure the sub-directory only on the FTP configuration, leave empty the sub-directory in the publishing profile.
Subject: 3rd party integrations
- Article last edited: 12/16/2013