Fine and Fee Behavior when a Bursar system is integrated into Alma
- Product: Alma
Many institutions handle patron-related charges in a dedicated bursar system. This can be the institution’s ERP system or a system that is in charge of patron-related finance. You can export fine and fee information from Alma to your bursar system as an XML file. If desired, once the exported fines and fees are handled in the bursar system, they can be re-imported into Alma using the Import job.
When only Export is Active
When the Export to Bursar Using Profile <integration profile> job is run:
- Fine/Fee Status: Closed
- Fine/Fee Transaction Type: Export
The Remaining Balance for all exported fines/fees will be set to 0.00, and their totals will be subtracted from the Active balance. All further interactions and payments will only occur in the bursar system.
When both Export and Import are Active
When the Export to Bursar Using Profile <integration profile> job is run:
- Fine/Fee Status: Transferred
- Fine/Fee Transaction Type: Exported and paid
The Remaining Balance for all exported fines/fees will be set to 0.00, and their totals will be subtracted from the Active balance and added to the Transferred balance. The fines/fees are still considered active.
When the Import from Bursar Using Profile <integration profile> Fines and Fees job is run:
- Fine/Fee Status: Transferred
- Fine/Fee Transaction Type: Payment received
A credit will appear on the user's account for each fine/fee that has been paid in the bursar system. This credit will be applied to the Transferred balance. These credits will have a Comment of "Bursar." The fines/fees will be considered closed.
Additional Information
More information about Bursar systems, as well as instructions on how to configure a Bursar integration profile, can be found in the documentation: Bursar Systems
Note: When export of Fines/Fees to the Bursar is active, and if "Fine/Fee Types to Export" configuration includes "Lost Item Fine" and "Lost Item Replacement Fee" -- these fines will close. This is expected. If the parameter "close_paid_lost_loan" is set to "true", this action will also will remove the loan from the user's list of loans. Please see more here: Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment).
- Article last edited: 15-APR-2024