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    Deleting Bibliographic Records Linked to a Network Zone

    • Product: Alma


    How can bibliographic records linked to the Network Zone (NZ) be deleted from the Institution Zone (IZ)?



    With a Network zone (NZ) topology, Institution zone (IZ) bibliographic records are linked to a "master" record in the NZ.  When an institution no longer has inventory attached to a bibliographic record, it is desirable to delete that bibliographic record from appearing in the IZ.

    To delete Network Zone (NZ) linked bibliographic records from the Institution Zone (IZ):

    1. From within the IZ, search for the bibliographic record.
    2. Choose Edit to open record in the MD Editor.
    3. Copy the record to the IZ: Record Actions > Copy to Catalog.
    4. Delete the record just created: Record Actions > Delete Record.

    This will delete the bibliographic record from the IZ and NZ. For more information see: Network-Managed Records in a Network Zone.


    • Article last edited: 08-Jan-2024
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