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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

How to Update a Linking Parser Parameter

  • Product: Alma



How do I update a Linking Parser Parameter? 


If the content vendor requires a Customer_ID, accountID, CLIENTID, Authentication or another type of parameter to be included in the link for their resource you can manage this in the Electronic Service's Linking Tab. Updating this at the service level allows for links for all underlying portfolios to have the same updates applied. 

  1. Perform an Electronic collection search for the collectionclipboard_ecc275bc72a4121a50ba35fbc43db152d.png
  2. From the Row Actions Menu, select Edit Serviceclipboard_ebde31dab20161e7686a1abf36f0c9381.png
  3. Click on the Linking tabclipboard_eec53b29742bf371239744a663a100d60.png
  4. Update the required Linking Parameters leaving the others blank. 



Please note that the Available Parser Parameters will vary significantly based on the requirements of the content providers. You may also expect to see options like these additional examples: 




For more information, see the Alma and SFX Linking Parser Parameters Guide and the Alma documentation on Managing Electronic Resources.

  • Article last edited: 02-Mar-2020
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