How to control ability of Circulation Desk Operators to change user passwords?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Alma
Desired Outcome Goal:
The "Circulation Desk Operator," "Circulation Desk Operator Limited," and "Circulation Desk Manager" roles can change an internal user's password.
(Note: these roles can change the password of an internal user if the user ONLY has patron role, and this role hasn't expired. To change the password of an internal user if they have additional roles or their patron's role has expired, the roles of "User Administrator" or "User Manager" are necessary.)
How to block this privilege?
To control whether the Circulation Desk Operator will have access to the patron's password in the Edit window - please create a support case.
Ex Libris staff will disable the privilege "USER_MANAGER_UPDATE".
To have a complete note of the Description of "USER_MANAGER_UPDATE, please see the table Role_-_Privilege_V15.xlsx.
Category: User Management - Alma
Subject: Roles/Privileges - Alma
- Article last edited: 9/10/2020