When creating a local portfolio, a publication date (2013) is automatically created. How this date is created?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
When adding a Local Portfolio, a brief bibliographic record is created automatically. The record includes the manually added data which is taken from the Descriptive information of the Portfolio (the fields 020/022, 245 and 246) and the fixed fields: LDR, 001, 005 and 008. How have these fixed field created? Is there any template which Alma uses for the fixed field creation in this case?
The year is coming from the 008 field of the default template as seen in the Metadata Editor.
If you have this in your default template
Then all new local portfolios created via Alma > Resource Management > Create Inventory > Add Local Portfolio
Will have 2014 as the year in 008
If you have this in your default template
Then all new local portfolios created via Alma > Resource Management > Create Inventory > Add Local Portfolio
Will have 2013 as the year in 008
- Article last edited: 10/29/2014