Configuring Fund and Ledger Fiscal Periods
To configure fund and ledger fiscal periods, you must have one of the following roles:
- Acquisitions Administrator
- General System Administrator
A fiscal period is the financial year to which a fund or ledger applies. At the end of each period, you must roll over ledgers and PO lines to the next period. See Fiscal Period Closure.
You view and edit fiscal periods on the Fund And Ledger Fiscal Period Table mapping table (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > General > Fund and Ledger Fiscal Period). For more information about mapping tables, see Mapping Tables.
When manually creating a new Fiscal Year Period, the ID must be numeric (a whole number). Combinations of letters and digits (such as FY2021) are not accepted.
Fund And Ledger Fiscal Period Table Mapping Table Page
On this page you can edit only the description and status of a fiscal period. The statuses Draft and Closed are identical to the status Inactive. When creating a new ledger, only Active fiscal periods are available for the ledger. The status does not affect whether a rollover job can be run on the fiscal period (see Rolling Over Ledgers).
You cannot activate or deactivate fiscal periods using the sliders, and you cannot add or delete fiscal periods. These form elements in this table have no effect.
Fund and ledger fiscal periods cannot be added using this page. They appear automatically after ledger and PO line rollovers are run (see Rolling Over Ledgers and Rolling Over PO Lines).