Publishing Information
To view publishing information, you must have one of the following roles:
- General System Administrator
- Repository Administrator
- Catalog Administrator
Similar to the Publishing Information search results list action (see Performing Actions on the Repository Search Results Page), the Publishing Information feature (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Information) provides the following information after the General Publishing, Primo, Summon, OCLC, Central Discovery Index, Libraries Australia, and Google Scholar publishing jobs are run:

Campus/OCLC institution symbol – If the institution is publishing at the campus/symbol level, in addition to the record ID you'll also need to specify the campus/symbol for which you want to see the publishing information.
- Publishing Profile – This parameter identifies the publishing profiles that were used to publish the record specified in the Identifier parameter. In some cases a record may be published by more than one publishing profile. The drop-down list for the Publishing Profile parameter lists all the profiles from which the record was actually published.
- Publishing Profile Information:
- Information related to the selected publishing profile: Profile description, sets selected in the profile (only for PUBLISHING_PLATFORM), whether the profile is currently active or inactive, its schedule, and last run date
- The "Edit Profile" link. Select the link to navigate to the publishing profile.
- Publishing Information:
- Last publication date – This shows the date and timestamp information for when a record was published.
- Status – This shows New, Updated, or Deleted for the record's status in Alma when it was published.
Last publication value – This shows the record data that was published for a given publishing profile, as identified in the Publishing Profile parameter (see above).Last Publication Value
- RTA Link – This type of link appears for the different types of Primo publishing.
- Job History – In some cases, there is a link provided for accessing the job history list. Note that this may take some time to appear.
With the Publishing Information menu option, simply enter one of the following types of IDs in the Identifier parameter, to view the details described above:
- Bibliographic MMS ID (for the bibliographic level General Publishing profile type)
- Authority MMS ID (for the authority record level General Publishing profile type)
- Title ID (for the Primo, OCLC, Primo Central, and Google Scholar publishing type profiles)
- Holdings ID (for the holdings level General Publishing profile type)
- Portfolio ID (for the portfolio level General Publishing profile type)
- Item ID (for the item level General Publishing profile type)
With some publishing profiles, there is data enrichment and/or normalization, which means that the published data can be quite different from the original resource record. Using the information provided for Last publication value, you can view and verify the actual data that was published.