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    Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing)

    To create a publishing profile, you must have one of the following roles:
    • Catalog Administrator
    • Repository Administrator
    • General System Administrator
    You can publish bibliographic and authority records to third-party systems. Alma publishing includes several features:
    • Incrementally published data through files or OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).
    • Optionally enriching the data with non-bibliographic record data (such as inventory-related data).
    • Normalization (reformatting) of the published data.
    • Notification about inventory deletion.

    The General Publishing job compares processed records with the last published value to ensure that records are not published and republished if data did not change.
    The 005 field is removed from the last published value and current processed value before the comparison, thus a change to the 005 field is not considered a change.
    This is because the record is often changed due to a "Save" operation or editing + Save operations, but no relevant change has been done.

    The input to ongoing incremental General Publishing is all records (bibliographic, holdings, circulation data, and optional course reserves data - depending on the profile definitions) that were changed and "touched" (saved without a change) since the last incremental job run, and all records whose related entity was changed. The General Publishing works according to the same principles as Publishing to Primo

    Many of the enriching options below enable you to map information from inventory to the output. When you enrich the output, the output contains a merged record containing bibliographic fields and other fields, so that it all looks like one record. For each type of inventory, you select the output field into which you want to place the management or inventory information and then the subfield of that field into which to place each piece of data.
    If you publish your data to another OCLC server, contact Alma customer support.
    The job that publishes the records to the third-party systems is called "Publishing Platform Job <profile name>". Note that if the publishing process fails, all the records that did not publish will be published by the next publishing process.
    If you are using Esploro, see Publishing Research Assets to Primo for information about research general profiles.

    Creating a General Publishing Profile

    Use the following procedure to create a general publishing profile.
    To create a general publishing profile to an external target:
    1. On the Publishing Profiles page (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles), select Add Profile > General Profile. The first page of the Publishing Profile wizard appears.
      Publishing Profile Details Page
      Publishing Profile Details Page - Wizard Step 1
    2. Complete the following information.
      Publishing Profile Details Page - Wizard Step 1
      Field Description
      Content Type When available, select the type of record that you are publishing – bibliographic or authority. The remaining fields on the page change depending on what you select.
      Profile Name A unique profile name.
      Profile Description A free text description of the profile.
      Publishing Parameters section


      Select Active or Inactive.


      Select a scheduling option. The exact times are dependent on your time zone and data center.

      If you select Not scheduled, the publishing profile does not run automatically.

      Email Notifications Specify the email addresses of users to receive email notifications when the publishing profile is complete. You can choose whether to send notifications for successful jobs and/or jobs that contain errors.
      Content section
      Set name

      Select the set of records to publish. When you select an electronic collections set, the published content is the bibliographic or portfolio level associated with the set identified by your setting for Publish on (see below). Note that if you are publishing from the Network Zone, you cannot select an itemized set.

      When you change the set, the previous set is published as deleted, because the new set is the new population that should be published by the job. Records that appear in both sets are not published as deleted.

      Additional set name

      Optionally, select another set of records to publish. 

      If the publishing is on the Bibliographic level, the output from both sets will include one title, with all the information--Physical / Electronic (Network Zone) / Electronic (Institution Zone)--linked to a single title.

      Publish the entire repository Enables users to export the complete content of their bibliographic records. Users can customize pertinent publishing profiles that encompass the entire repository. 

      Once selected, the fields Set name and Additional set name are disabled.

      This option is relevant only for bibliographic-level publishing.

      Additional information:

      • When selecting this option, the set name automatically changes to "Entire repository default set". Additionally, the set characteristics (The query for the set/set creating principle) is MMS ID > 0.
      • The principle of publishing behind the scenes differs from the classical general publishing in that behind the scenes publishing is based on all changes logged since the last run in a designated table than compared to the last published records. The regular flow is based on the comparison of a specified set with the last published records.
      • There is no limitation on the number of general publishing profiles.
      • The first run of the profile is based on the regular concept of processing all records in the set. No special configuration is needed, but it is expected to take some time.
      • Switching an already functioning profile to the "entire repository" is possible if your current set represents all your records.
      • There is no difference between "republishing" and the classic general publishing. Both publishing mechanisms work the same. 
      Filter Records
      A filter for the set of records that you selected in Set name. The list of filters that appears is a list of the indication rules that you have created in the MD Editor. See Working with Indication Rules for more information.
      When you run the publishing job, the filter that you select is applied to the set of records after the enrichment of records occurs (if you specify enrichment, as shown below) and before the filtered set of records is normalized and published.
      Records in the selected set that match the true condition specified in the indication rule are filtered out of the set and published as deleted. In case such a record is changed to match the false condition specified in the indication rule, it will be published as updated again.
      • The filter rule should not be used if more than 50% of the set is filtered out and the set has more than 10,000 members. When you exceed these conditions, the publishing job runs very slowly. Any members that can be removed by the set definition should be done there and not in the filter rule.
      • If this rule is modified, republishing (rebuild index) needs to be performed.
      Publish on (Bibliographic records only) The level at which the records are published.
      • Bibliographic level (standard) – Publish records at the bibliographic level. If this option is selected, one bibliographic record is published containing the holdings, portfolio, and item details from the inventory data enrichment.
      • Holdings/portfolio level – Publish records at the holdings or portfolio level. This option is useful if your institution needs to publish holdings records separately from the bibliographic record. When this option is selected, one bibliographic record is published for each unique holdings or portfolio associated with the bibliographic record. If one bibliographic record is associated with multiple holdings or portfolios, the bibliographic record is published multiple times.
        Additional normalization processes must be applied to remove the bibliographic information from the record.
      • Item/portfolio level – Publish records at the item or portfolio level. When this option is selected, one bibliographic record is published for each unique item or portfolio associated with the bibliographic record. If one bibliographic record is associated with multiple portfolios or items, the bibliographic record is published multiple times. Alma displays a message to alert you to this method of output processing. This functionality may be useful for integration with external sources such as the Hathi Trust and Aurora (State Library of Queensland).
      Output format (Bibliographic records only) An output format (The options that appear in this list are determined by the Active Registry settings for your system. To have these settings changed, contact Ex Libris Support):
      • MARC 21 Bibliographic
      • BIBFRAME Bibliographic - BIBFRAME records are supported for publishing as "BIBFRAME records" as part of general publishing. Users can use BIBFRAME works and Instances that are held in Alma also in external systems.
        BIBFRAME can be published as BIBFRAME and as MARC.
      • UNIMARC
      • KORMARC
      • Dublin Core (Simple). For MARC/DC mapping, see  MARC21 to Dublin Core Crosswalk and Dublin Core to MARC21 Crosswalk.
      • Dublin Core (Qualified) - This aim of this output is mainly to support publishing Alma's core qualified DC records without losing data (as if it was published in Dublin Core (Simple). The publishing job will import records from Marc to Qualified Dublin Core, but will convert them to Simple DC fields.
      • MODS (This option is configured in Configuration > General > Integration Profiles > OAI Repository Definition integration profile > Metadata Prefixes)
      • ETD-MS
      • RDA/RDF
      Publish records with Alma URI This option is only displayed when the BIBFRAME Bibliographic output format is selected!

      This option enables users to decide whether to include an Alma URI in the record when publishing MARC records that are converted to BIBFRAME format. 

      • When selected - publishes the BIBFRAME records with the Alma URI.  If the aim is to provide records to a third party, it is important to include the Alma URI. This ensures the information can be effectively connected back to Alma.
      • When unselected - publishes the BIBFRAME records without the Alma URI. If the intention is to republish records as BIBFRAME to Alma through third-party linked data editors, it is recommended to publish the records without an Alma URI.
      Publishing Protocol section – FTP
      FTP Select to publish the records using FTP. Once selected, the following fields appear:
      FTP configuration and Sub-directory FTP configuration field values come from your institution’s setup (see Configuring S/FTP Connections). The Sub-directory field is an additional relative path to the FTP configuration. For example, if you specified Alma in the Sub-directory field during S/FTP connection configuration and you enter exports in this field, the data is exported to the Alma/exports directory.
      For a pre-defined list of sites (maintained by Ex Libris), you can disable compression for an FTP connection used by a general publishing profile. After selecting one of the defined sites, select Disable file compression. The Compressed file extension field is removed from the page (since the extension is not used for this profile).
      The sites are and
      Ex Libris support can add an address to the Uncompressed files hostnames list.

      Include all records each time file is published

      Records that were not modified since the last run are not published. Select this option to publish all the non-deleted records in the set (specified in the Content section of this profile) to the FTP file.

      If this parameter is not selected, only records that were modified, created, or deleted since the last run are published to the FTP file.

      If you work with third parties that require you to publish the whole set (because they are not able to work with a partial set/only modified records), select this parameter.

      When this parameter is selected, the job report contains the Total records written to file counter in addition to Records processed counter.


      Total records written to file counter shows the total number of records in the set, all of which are published since you selected the Include all records each time file is published parameter. The Records processed counter shows the number of records that were processed because they were modified since the last time the publishing job ran.

      When this option is selected, the deleted records are not published. The published files are only those that contain ‘New’ in the File name. Files that contain ‘Update’ or ‘Delete’ are not published. The number of files depends on the Number of records in the file definition. See Number of records in the file.

      Disable file compression Select this option if you do not want to compress the output to a tar.gz file.
      Compressed file extension This extension identification for compressed output of tar.gz appears when Disable file compression is not selected.
      Physical format Select XML or Binary.
      For XML output, the file extension is .xml.
      For binary output, the file extension is .mrc.
      Only MARC XML is compressed. When selecting MARC binary, the published files are not compressed.

      Number of records in the file

      The maximum number of records for each file published.
      Choose a maximum of 1,000, 5,000, or 10,000 records per file or select a single file option with no maximum records specified. The default is 1,000. This enables you to limit how many records are included in each file to align with external source requirements regarding file structure. The final number of records per file is not precise.
      It is not recommended to choose the single file option when publishing large sets.
      If publishing to FTP, the file size for one file cannot exceed 8GB.
      If a set of 25,000 records is published, and the Number of records in file is set to 10,000 in the publishing profile, the resulting files are:
      • File 1 = up to 10,000 records
      • File 2 = up to 10,000 records
      • File 3 = remaining records

      Use default file name

      Select Yes or No to indicate your preference to use or not use the default file name. See the following in this table for more information regarding the file naming conventions:

      .xml and .mrc file extensions might be missing for some institutions. If this is the case for you, contact Ex Libris Customer Support to enable a customer parameter that allows you to automatically add the .xml and .mrc extensions to the file name.

      File name prefix

      When you select Yes for Use default file name, you must specify a file name prefix. The output file is named in the following manner:

      <prefix>_<time stamp>_<job ID>_<new or update or delete>.<xml or mrc>.<tar.gz>
      You are only able to enter allowable characters in this field. The system automatically deletes any characters that are not permitted.
      File name When you select No for Use default file name, you must specify a file name. You may specify a static or dynamic file name in the following manner:
      • Enter a single file name to be used for the publishing output that is created.
      • For dynamic file names, enter the file name variables as indicated below. Use the information icon for assistance.
        <name of your choice>_{JOB_ID}_{TIMESTAMP}
        The {JOB_ID} inserts the publishing job ID in the file name. The {TIMESTAMP} inserts the date and time stamp in the following format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS[mmm]. This is year, month, day and hour, minutes, and seconds plus milliseconds.
        This creates a file with a name in the following format:
        <name>_<job ID>_<time stamp>_<new or update or delete>.<xml or mrc>.<tar.gz>
        When you use the dynamic file naming convention, the system generates new, additional files instead of overwriting a previous file with the new file and using the same name.
      You are only able to enter allowable characters in this field. The system automatically deletes any characters that are not permitted.
      Publishing Protocol section – OAI

      Select his option to publish using the OAI protocol, that is, publish the records so that they are exposed as an OAI set. OAI publishing profiles always publish records incrementally and the published records include deleted records.

      If the target to which you are publishing cannot process record deletions, you can use FTP publishing with the option to include all records (see Include all records each time file is published). Another option is to use the Rebuild Entire Index option available with the Republish action to republish the whole set as new that has the same result as the previously available (prior to April 2019) Full publishing mode.

      If the institution configures Alma as an OAI repository (see Setting Up OAI Integration), it is able to see the published records by OAI set using the standard OAI-PMH protocol. Note that the format of the records (the content in the metadata element) is in the format selected as the output format, for example, MARC 21.

      When OAI is selected, the parameters described below appear.

      Set Spec A colon (:) separated list indicating the path from the root of the set hierarchy to the respective node. It must be unique for each set.
      Set Name The name of the set. The set must be defined according to the OAI requirements.
      Metadata Prefix The prefix on the output.
      Publishing Protocol section – Z39.50 (Bibliographic Records Only)
      • Host
      • Port
      • Database Name
      • Group ID
      • User Name
      • Password
      Publish using Z39.50.
      These settings must be provided by/coordinated with the group/service (such as KERIS) to which you are connecting. These are the target's connection parameters.
    3. Select Next. The following page appears:
      If you selected a MARC format as the output format: publishing profile details - auth headings_new_UI.png

      If you selected as the output format

      • Dublin Core (Simple or Qualified)
      • ETD-MS
      • MODS
      For authority records authority_normalization_newUI.png
    4. Complete the fields using the table below. Many fields are self-explanatory, and are not described below.
    Fields on the Publishing Profile Details Page - Wizard Step 2
    Field Description
    Bibliographic Normalization section
    Correct the data using normalization processes Select a normalization process (if required), from the processes previously created and saved. See Working with Normalization Processes.

    Linked data enrichment (MARC only)

    Select to add the $$0 (subfield zero) with linked data URIs to certain records when publishing. For detailed information, see

    Note that when you select the RDA/RDF option for the Output format parameter (see above), the Linked data enrichment check box is automatically selected.

    Bibliographic Enrichment section (MARC only)
    Add Management Information Select to add management information to the output record. When selected, the following parameters appear.
    General Publishing Profile - Add Management Information
    Enter the following information:
    • Repeatable field - Enter a field number into which to put management information in the output record (one that is not used by the bibliographic record); this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field.
    • Publish suppressed records as deleted - Publish the suppressed records, but mark them as deleted. If this check box is cleared, they are published as is (they are enriched as well). This is selected by default.
    • All other fields: For each item that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. The management information you can add includes: created by, create date, updated by, update date, suppress from publishing, originating system, originating system ID, originating system version, record format, cataloging level, brief level, and bibliographic rank. In each case enter just the subfield letter, such as b (not $b or $$b).
    These fields are maintained internally by Alma. Originating system fields represent information about the external system from which the record was imported. For information about cataloging level, see Cataloging Privileges. For information about brief level, see Working with Brief Record Levels.
    Related Records Enrichment section (MARC only)
    Add Related Records Information 

    Use the Related Records Enrichment configuration to enrich the bibliographic record published to third-party systems with the content of any field from related records. This enables the external catalog to have a full representation of the catalog and inventory of your library.

    The related records must be published during the initial publishing.

    Any update of the related record or the related physical inventory triggers re-publishing of the data. 

    When selected, the following parameters appear:

    Related records enrichment.png

    • Relation type - indicate the published record's field to which the related record's data will be mapped. This field can be alphanumeric (for example "TYP").
    • Relation type subfield - indicate the published record's subfield in which the relation type will be written. 
    • Related record MMS ID subfield - indicate the subfield in which the MMS ID of the related record will be written. This subfield will be added to each of the fields of the related record that is mapped. This information enables the grouping of fields per related record.
    • Member code subfield - this field appears only when publishing from the Network. It indicates the member code of the related bibliographic record, e.g., 01ALLIANCE_NETWORK, 01ALLIANCE_CHEMEK.
    • Mapping table - Maps the field/subfield from the related record to the field/subfield in the published record.
      Column Description

      Related Tag,

      Related Subfield,

      BIB Tag,

      BIB Subfield

      Text fields. To enter several subfields, delimit by comma. Use a hyphen (-) to indicate "All subfields". In the “BIB Subfield” column, you can define both numeric and alphanumeric field names.

      • Each line must map a related field to a single field of bib data. 
      • The number of subfields in the related record must match the number of subfields in the bib record. 
      Relation Type

      Use to enable enrichment for particular relation types. Enter "All" to enable enrichment for all relation types.

      For example: The below record A has two relations: record B and record C:
      Related records enrichment 1 example.png

      Record B:                                                                                  Record C:
      Related records enrichment 2 example.png                  Related records enrichment 3 example.png

      The Published entity for "Record A", according to the profile defined above, outputs as follows:
      Related records enrichment 4 example.png

    • Add holdings/items of related records - if the publishing profile is configured to publish holdings/items, select this option to publish the holdings/items of related records (only records with a parent-child relation). The information is published as configured in the corresponding sections in the profile. If these sections are not configured, the holdings/items information is not added.
      Add holdings/items of related records is not possible when publishing at the Holdings/Portfolio/Representation level.
      When the Add holdings/items of related records option is selected and in order for it to be effective, the "Related Records Enrichment" table must have at least one entry and of Relation Type; Contains
      When publishing a child record, if a specific item is pointed to, the holdings and items are filtered accordingly and only the items/holdings that match the specified value are published.
      Pointing to a specific item of a related record is cataloged as follows:
        Value in
      $g (MARC21 / KORMARC)
      $v (Unimarc / CNMARC)
      Item field
      Year yr: Chron I
      Volume or barcode no: Enum A
      Issue iss: Enum B
      Part pt: Enum C
      Pages p: pages

    Authority Enrichment section (MARC only)

    To enable this section, contact Ex Libris customer support. 

    • Authority Enrichment is not supported in SB / PSB, as the Authorities DB which is the source for the enrichment – is not maintained in the SB / PSB, only in production.

      When the premium SB is refreshed from production (twice a year), the Authorities DB is also copied to the PSB.

      Therefore, Bib records linked to authorities that are already in the Authorities DB are enriched while the others are not.

    • In production, it can take up to two days from the moment an authority (which is linked to the bibliographic record) is updated until the bib record will be re-published with the updated authority information. 
    • Authority Enrichment is not supported in SB / PSB+.+
      Global authority - as the Authorities DB which is the source for the enrichment – is not maintained in the SB / PSB. Only in production.
      Local authority - as the Linking job, like all other scheduled jobs, is not running in the SB / PSB.
    Add Authority Information

    Use the Authority Enrichment configuration to enrich the bibliographic record published to third-party systems with the content of any field from the bibliographic-linked authority record. Any update of these terms triggers re-publishing of the data. 

    This is useful for example, when the Name 'Mark Twain' is embedded within a bib record and library would like to publish both 'Mark Twain' and non-preferred term 'Samuel Clemens'.

    When selected, the following parameters appear.

    add authority enrichment.png

    Enter the following information:

    • Add authority enrichment - define the Authority fields (Authority tag+subfield) that will be included in the published data (Bibliographic record tag+subfield). 
    • If the Authority part includes a field+subfield, then the Bib part must also include a specific field+subfield.
    • If the Authority part includes only a tag (without subfield), then the Bib part must also include only a tag.
    • The 'BIB Tag' can be a string of alphanumeric values.
    • Add additional authority subfields - enrich the Authority data with additional information, while maintaining a link between the original Bibliographic record's term and its related Authority terms (preferred/non-preferred/see-also/other terms):
    • Vocabulary subfield - Indicate the vocabulary of the AUTH MMS record. Upon publishing, it is added to the tag that is sourced from the authority record. For example, if vocabulary subfield is set with '2'', the result is $$2NLI or $$2RVK or $$2OTHER.
    • Authority ID subfield - Indicate the Originating system ID of the AUTH MMS record, to match between the preferred term and its related non-preferred/see-also/other terms. Upon publishing, this subfield is added to both: the 'original' BIB tag (with the preferred term) and the tag that is sourced from the authority record. For example: if Authority ID subfield is set with '0', the result is $$0NLI-000007449.

      It is highly recommended to set this field to identify the link between the published fields.

    • Authority tag subfield - Indicate the authority tag from which the published data is enriched. Upon publishing, this subfield is added to the tag that is sourced from the authority record, to identify the authority tag and by that to indicate whether the term is preferred/non-preferred/other terms. For example: If authority 150 is mapped to bibliographic record 650 AND Authority tag subfield is 9, the result is $$9150.
    Physical Holdings Enrichment section (MARC only)
    Add Holdings Information Select to add holdings information to output. The output will contain a record with merged holdings and bibliographic record data.
    Holdings control fields (such as LDR) are added to the output as if they were bibliographic fields of the same number.
    Use Add inventory enrichment to add other holdings fields to the output as if they were bibliographic fields. Each time you select Add inventory enrichment, enter the holdings field number (Holding Tag) and subfield (Holding Subfield) and then enter the output field (Bib Tag) and subfield (Bib Subfield) in which you want to place it and select Add. For subfields, enter just the letter, such as b (not $b or $$b).
    If you select Exclude suppressed record, suppressed holdings records will not be published. This field does not affect the publishing of the bibliographic records. Bibliographic records will continue to be published unless they are marked Suppress from Discovery (see Suppress from Discovery).
    For all other fields: For each item that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the field and subfield in which you want it to appear: holdings created by, holdings create date, holdings updated by, holdings update date, library name, location name, and suppress from publishing (see Suppress from Discovery). For subfields, enter just the subfield letter, such as b (not $b or $$b).
    If configured, you can also map the IE ID field/subfield for integration with Primo. Contact Ex Libris for more information.

    If you choose to publish on Holdings/Portfolio/Representation level, Add Holdings Information should not be selected.

    Physical Items Enrichment
    Add Items Information Select to add physical item information to the output. The output will contain a record with merged item and bibliographic record data.
    When you select Add Holdings Information and you select Exclude suppressed record to suppress holdings from publishing that are marked Suppress from Discovery, any items attached to the suppressed holdings will not be published, even when Add Items Information is selected.
    Enter the following information:
    • Repeatable field - Enter a field number into which to put physical item inventory information in the output record (one that is not used by the bibliographic record); this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field.
    • All other fields: For each piece of inventory information that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. The inventory information you can add includes: item PID, barcode, copy ID, material type, item policy, item status (1/0), provenance, magnetic indication, enumeration A/B, chronology I/J, description, process type, permanent library/location, current library/location, call number type/call number, item call number type/item call number, temporary call number type/temporary call number, inventory number, inventory date, storage location, pages, pieces, notes (Public, Fulfillment, Internal 1-3, and Statistics 1-3), PO line number, due back date, receiving date, created by, created date, updated by, update date, the holdings ID for the holdings record linked to the item, campus of the current library (appears when distributed access restrictions for electronic resources are configured in a multi-campus environment), and physical condition. In each case enter just the subfield letter, such as b (not $b or $$b).
    Items PID is an internal ID used primarily for publishing. For other fields, see Adding a New Book or Journal Article and Updating Item-Level Information.
    Note that for item information such as library, location, and material type that may have both a code and description, only the code is published, not the description.
    Note that you can use either the permanent library/location or the current library/location fields. When you use the current library/location fields, the output includes either the permanent library/location or the temporary library/location information, depending on the item’s library/location at the time of publishing.
    Note that dates are published according to the UTC time zone.
    For more details about adding item information, refer to the General Publishing Profile: Add Holdings and Item Info video (8:16 mins).
    Electronic Inventory Enrichment section (MARC only)
    Add Electronic Portfolio Information Select to add electronic inventory information to the output. The output will contain a record with merged portfolio and bibliographic record data.
    Enter the following information:
    • Repeatable field – Enter a field number into which to put electronic portfolio inventory information in the output record (one that is not used by the bibliographic record); this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field.
    • Subfields – For each piece of inventory information that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. For the inventory information you can add, see the following rows. In each case, enter just the subfield letter, such as b (not $b or $$b). Also see Editing a Portfolio Using the Electronic Portfolio Editor.
    Portfolio PID The subfield (other than $8) into which to place the portfolio PID.
    By default, $8 contains the portfolio ID. Use this field if you prefer to have the portfolio ID stored in a subfield other than $8 and use a normalization rule to remove $8.
    Activation status The subfield into which you want to place the activation value. The values displayed in this field are either Available or Not Available.

    URL Type subfield

    This information is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Linking tab. The URL type values are Static URL, Dynamic URL, and Parser Parameters.

    For stand-alone portfolios:

    • static is published when Static URL is selected.
    • dynamic is published when Dynamic URL is selected.
    • Nothing is published when the URL Type subfield parameter is left blank.

    For electronic collection-linked portfolios, the settings on the portfolio (if defined) override the settings on the service and:

    • static is published when the portfolio has URL type set to Static URL and the Static URL field is populated on the portfolio.
    • dynamic is published when the portfolio has URL type set to Dynamic URL and the Dynamic URL field is populated on the portfolio.
    • param is published when the portfolio has URL type set to Parser Parameters and the Parser parameters (override) field is populated on the portfolio

    If the portfolio has no content in the Static URL, Dynamic URL, or Parser parameters (override) fields (regardless of the URL type selected):

    • dynamic is published when the portfolio's service has URL type set to Dynamic URL and the Dynamic URL field is populated on the service.
    • param is published when the portfolio's service has URL type set to Parser Parameters and the Parser parameters and/or Parser parameters (override) field is populated on the service.
    • Nothing is published when the portfolio's service has no content in the Dynamic URL, Parser parameters, or Parser parameters (override) fields (regardless of the URL type selected).
    Access URL subfield The subfield into which you want to place the access URL for the electronic resource.
    If you specify this field, you must enter the Link Resolver Base Resolver field.
    Link Resolver Base URL The base URL for your link resolver. For the Alma Link Resolver, use the following format and insert your institution's information where indicated:
    http://<Primo server host:port>/openurl/<Primo_institution_code>/<Primo_view_code>?
    For Primo VE, use the following format:
     Static URL This publishes the field and the selected subfield that extract the portfolio-level Static URL.

    Electronic Material Type

    This publishes the electronic material type of the electronic inventory that is from the electronic portfolio entity.

    Library This publishes the library name.

    Proxy Selected subfield

    This information is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Linking tab. The Proxy selected parameter identifies the proxy profile used for authentication.

    When there is no combination of Proxy enabled set to Yes (in the portfolio record) and no Proxy selected value at the portfolio and group, portfolio, service and group, or service level (in the portfolio record), the resolver proxy settings are published. The resolver proxy settings are published in the following manner:

    • When there is a default Resolver Proxy integration profile with Always selected for the Use Proxy parameter, the published data contains true for Proxy Enabled and the definition from the resolver proxy integration profile for Proxy Selected.
    • When there is a default Resolver Proxy integration profile with Always not selected for the Use Proxy parameter and either the portfolio or the service (but not groups) has Proxy enabled set to Yes, the published data contains true for Proxy Enabled and the definition from the resolver proxy integration profile for Proxy Selected.
    • When there is a default Resolver Proxy integration profile with Always not selected for the Use Proxy parameter and neither the portfolio or the service has Proxy enabled set to Yes, the published data contains false for Proxy Enabled and the definition from the resolver proxy integration profile for Proxy Selected.
    • When there is not a default Resolver Proxy integration profile, the published data contains false for Proxy Enabled and no subfield is published for Proxy Selected.

    Note the following:

    • Settings at the portfolio and group level override settings at the portfolio level
    • Settings at the portfolio level override service or default resolver proxy settings
    • Settings at the service and group level override settings at the service level
    • Settings at the service level override default resolver proxy settings

    Proxy Enabled subfield

    This information is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Linking tab. The Proxy enabled options are Yes and No.

    When the Proxy enabled parameter is set to No, see the Proxy Selected subfield explanation for how publishing is handled.

    Interface Name This publishes the interface name.

    Authentication Note subfield

    This information (a note regarding authentication that is visible to patrons) is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Notes tab.

    Authentication notes are published from:

    • The portfolio and groups or the portfolio if there is no portfolio and groups.
    • The service and groups or the service if there is no service and groups.
    • The electronic collection and groups of electronic collection if there is no electronic collection and groups.
    Public Note This publishes the public note, if there is one.

    Portfolio/Service Internal Description subfield

    This information (viewable by staff only) is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Notes tab. The data that is published is determined by all of the following:

    • The electronic portfolio record
    • The related service

    When there are notes from more than one entity, all notes are reported by repeating the subfield.

    Coverage Statement This publishes the coverage statement.
    CZ Collection Identifier This publishes the Community Zone electronic collection ID.

    Collection ID

    This publishes the ID associated with the Collection Name option. This is the ID for the institution-level electronic collection (not the Community Zone-level ID).

    Collection Internal Description subfield This information (viewable by staff only) is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Electronic Collection Description tab.
    Collection Name This publishes the electronic collection name.

    License Code

    This option publishes the electronic portfolio's license. If the License field for the electronic portfolio is empty, the electronic collection license information is published instead.

    License Name

    This publishes the license name from the electronic portfolio entity (specific to the license code).

    PO Line

    This publishes the purchase order related to the electronic inventory.

    Additional PO Line

    This publishes the additional purchase orders that are related to the electronic inventory.

    Created by This publishes the created by information.
    Create date This publishes the created dated.
    Updated by This publishes the updated by information.
    Update date This publishes the updated date (when it was modified).
    Activation date This publishes the activation date.
    Direct Link This publishes a link resolver URL with the portfolio ID that directly resolves to the portfolio's target URL.
    Available for Campus subfield These fields appear only when distributed access restrictions for electronic resources are configured in a multi-campus environment or for institutions implementing a Network Zone. Available for Institution subfield appears only for institutions implementing a Network Zone.
    Available for Library subfield
    Available for Institution subfield

    Service ID

    This option publishes the ID of the service to which the electronic portfolio is related.

    IE ID subfield If configured, the subfield into which to place the IE ID of the electronic resource.
    This field is for integration with Primo. Contact Ex Libris for more information.
    Portfolio Coverage Information
    Repeatable field

    Enter a field number into which to put the coverage information in the output record (one that is not used by the bibliographic record); this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field.

    Portfolio id subfield For each piece of coverage information that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. See rows below for the coverage information you can add.
    From Year subfield

    The Coverage and Embargo information is exported according to the selection made in the "Which coverage statement will be applied?" option in the portfolio editor's Coverage tab:

    • Each value of every subfield publishes the value of its corresponding parameter from Date Information table and Embargo on the Portfolio Editor.
    • The published coverage information is simplified on the portfolio level in the following way:


    • Rows that consist of date elements only (year/month/day) are consolidated into the minimum-possible representation of date range(s) that cover all the date ranges for this specific portfolio. This means that the exported date ranges completely cover the true availability of the portfolio. 
    • The simplification process does not occur for date-information rows that has Volume and/or Issue specified, these are published as-is. 
    • The embargo date range(s) are calculated as the coverage information, and published separately in the Embargo section.
    Until Year subfield
    From Month subfield
    Until Month subfield
    From Day subfield
    Until Day subfield
    From Volume subfield
    Until Volume subfield
    From Issue subfield
    Until Issue subfield
    Portfolio Embargo Information
    Repeatable field

    Enter a field number into which to put the embargo information in the output record; this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field.

    Portfolio ID subfield For each piece of embargo information that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. See rows below for the embargo information you can add.
    Operator subfield

    See above

    In the Embargo section of the output file, the "Operator" field exports the below operators. Since '<' and '>" characters are special characters in XML, using them within the XML content might cause errors in the output. Thus, these characters are encoded in the XML output as follows:

    Published Sign Meaning  Meaning within the output
    &lt; <= Less than or equals to Most recent X year(s) available
     &gt; >= Greater than or equals to Most recent X year(s) not available
    &lt;= < Less than Most recent X year(s)-1 available
    &gt;= > Greater than Most recent X year(s)+1 not available

    The number of years/months included/excluded (based on the selected operator) from the portfolio coverage.

    Number of Years subfield
    Number of Months subfield
    Digital Inventory Enrichment section
    Add Digital Representation Information
    Add File Information
    Add Remote Representation Information
    Select one or more of the following options:
    • Add Digital Representation Information – add local digital representation inventory information to the output
    • Add File Information – add file inventory information to the output
    • Add Remote Representation Information – add remote digital representation inventory information to the output
    The output will contain a record with merged representation and bibliographic record data.
    For Dublin Core and ETD-MS only the Repeatable field appears, which will contain the delivery URL of the representation.

    The following fields are displayed for a MARC21 record:


    The following appears for a Dublin Core and ETD-MS record:


    Enter the following information:
    • Repeatable field - Enter a field number into which to put digital representation inventory information in the output record (one that is not used by the bibliographic record); this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field. For Dublin Core and ETD-MS, this is the only field that appears.
    • All other fields (local): For each piece of inventory information that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. The inventory information you can add includes: internal ID (PID), IE ID (see below for more information), delivery URL, thumbnail URL, label, public note, library, usage type, entity type, delivery description, created by, create date, updated by, and update date. For more information about these fields, see Adding a Representation.
    • All other fields (remote): Same as above. The inventory information you can add includes: repository code, repository name, originating object ID, and linking parameters 1-3.
    • File URL subfield – indicate the location of the file-level delivery URL
    See the following rows for an explanation of certain fields.
    IE ID subfield If configured, the subfield into which to place the IE ID.
    This field is for integration with Primo. Contact Ex Libris for more information.
    Collection Enrichment section (MARC only)
    Add Collection Information Select to add collection inventory information to the output. The output will contain a record with merged collection and bibliographic record data.
    Enter the following information:
    • Repeatable field - Enter a field number into which to put collection inventory information in the output record (one that is not used by the bibliographic record); this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field. For Dublin Core, ETD-MS, and MODS, this is the only field that appears.
    • All other fields: For each piece of inventory information that you want included in the output file (if it exists), enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. The inventory information you can add includes: collection name and collection ID. For more information, see Adding a Top Level Collection.
    Institution Code Enrichment
    Institution Code Subfield

    When publishing a combined-results set that contains both records from the Institution Zone and activated records from the Network Zone, the data enrichment may include elements both from the member and from the Network. To differentiate between local information and Network Zone information, optionally enter the institution code. This institution code is added to all enriched entities, including all types of inventory and local extensions.

    • General Publishing Profile, which refers to a combined set ("Network and institution"):
      The 001 field in published records will indicate the Network Zone if sourced from either the Network Zone itself or the Institution Zone, but will denote the Institution Zone if not associated with the Network Zone.
    • General Publishing Profile, which refers to a non-combined set ("Institution only"):
      The 001 field of the published records will reflect the Institution Zone, even if it is a record managed in the Network Zone.

    When publishing other types of sets, leave empty. 

    1. Select Save to enter the profile in the database and return to the Publishing Profiles list page.

    Working with an Existing General Publishing Profile

    You can do the following with existing general publishing profiles.

    To work with a general publishing profile:
    1. On the Publishing Profiles page (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles), select General Profiles in the Publishing Profile Type filter.
    2. Select one of the following row actions:
      To:  Do:
      Edit the profile Select the Edit row action.
      View the profile's run history Select the History row action. 
      Manually run the profile Select the Run row action. Note that you can also run a profile from inside the profile.
      Republish a subset, date range, or all of the records in the set, instead of an incremental update
      Select the Republish row action. Note that you can also run a profile from inside the profile. This action is only available for publishing profiles that you can edit.
      A job triggered by General Publishing > Republish method processes all input records, and includes them in the product, without skipping records whose processed value is identical to the last published value (unlike the regular ongoing incremental jobs).
      When the Republish row action is selected, select one of the following publishing modes from the pop-up dialog box:
      • Date Range – Enter a date range (from the beginning of the first day until the end of the last day) to identify the records in the set that you want to be published.  When running the publishing using a date range, the modification date of the record is consulted.
      • Republish Subset – Select a separate (sub)set of records to publish. Note that you need to preplan your work for this option and have the set created that you want to use.
      • Rebuild Entire Index – Republish the entire set and rebuild the entire publishing index. This option will recalculate the entire set and publish all the records as new. Use this option with caution. This action is not reversible.
        The Rebuild Entire Index operation might take time for big sets, as the system first deletes the entire index. A workaround can be to duplicate the profile and run it from scratch.
      • Select Run Now to republish runs immediately (as soon as available in the job queue). There is no scheduling option for this action.
        Note that when you select Run Now, Alma saves the profile. If you made changes to the profile in addition to selecting Republish, those actions are saved before the publishing job starts.

      Any additional job triggered (aside from the current job running) is not queued in the system and is marked as SKIPPED.  Users need to run the additional jobs after the current job is completed.

      Contribute the publishing profile to the Community Zone Select the Contribute row action to contribute the publishing profile to the Community Zone where other institutions can copy and use the profile. For details, see below.
      Delete the profile Select the Delete row action.
      Copy the profile Select the Duplicate row action.

    When you edit a general publishing profile, the Run and Republish row actions are also available as buttons on the Publishing Profile Details page. These buttons perform the same actions as described in the procedure above. Note that when you use the Run and Republish buttons, they also save the profile.

    Sharing Publishing Profiles in the Community Zone

    To share and copy shared publishing profiles, you must have one of the following roles:
    • Purchasing Operator
    • Purchasing Manager
    • Catalog Administrator
    Institutions spend many hours creating publishing profiles to publish bibliographic and authority records to third-party systems. Many institutions publish to third-party systems. In order for these institutions to save time and effort, librarians can contribute publishing profiles to the Community Zone and copy and use publishing profiles that other institutions contributed to the Community Zone.
    The contribute feature is available only for general publishing profiles and not for other types of publishing profiles.
    Contributed publishing profiles appear in the Community tab on the Publishing Profiles page (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles).
    Copying a publishing profile also copies the profile’s associated normalization process, associated merge rule, scheduling option, and the indication rule and normalization rules associated with its normalization process. Copied normalization processes appear in the MD Editor with a note about their original contributor.
    To contribute a publishing profile to the Community Zone:
    1. From the row actions, select Contribute for a publishing profile on the Institution tab of the Publishing Profiles page.
      Publishing profiles Page
      A confirmation message dialog box appears.
      Publishing Profile Contribution Confirmation Message
    2. You can optionally change the Profile name.
    3. It is recommended that you change the Description to include detailed information for institutions that will copy the profile. Include institution information such as the library information, FTP information, and/or vendor information.
    4. You can optionally enter or change an email address for the Contact person.
    5. Select Confirm. The profile appears in the Community tab and can be copied by any institution.
    To view contributed publishing profiles and/or copy a contributed publishing profile:
    1. Open the Community tab on the Publishing Profiles page (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles).
      To view more information about the profile, from the row actions, select View. The profile details appear.
    2. Select Copy in the row actions list of the profile. The publishing profile is copied to your institution and the new profile is opened for editing. The profile is copied and Its status is Inactive by default.
    3. Edit the publishing profile details to match your requirements.
    4. When you are done, select Save.
    5. Select the Institution tab to view the profile that you copied.
    To remove (unshare) a profile you contributed to the Community Zone:
    Select Delete in the row actions list of the profile and select Confirm in the confirmation dialog box.
    The profile is no longer available to other institutions. The profile is not deleted; you can continue to use it in the Institution tab. Also, if another institution copied the profile, this action has no effect on their copy.

    Format of Published Data

    In the General publishing profile, Alma adds a root element 'collection' for DC and MARC formats, and 'modsCollection' element for MODS format.

    This is an example of the a published file header in MARC format:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    The bibliographic record retrieved from Alma is enriched with additional identifiers. The MMS ID of the Network Zone and the Alma Community Zone ID are added to the record in additional 035 marc fields. The Community Zone ID is added with the prefix (EXLCZ) while the Network Zone ID is added with the prefix (EXLNZ-network_code). The local MMS ID is in the 001 marc field. These additional shared IDs can be used for better identification of a common record. The local MMS ID should be used when there is a need to call an API in the institution for the record. 

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