Managing Citation Styles for Alma-Summon
The Citation action on the Services page allows users to create citations for records using a specific citation style. Out of the box, Alma supports the following citation styles: APA (6th edition), Chicago/Turabian (16th edition), Harvard, MLA (7th edition) and MLA (8th edition).
The Citations Styles Lists page allows you to perform the following actions:
View a list of the supported citation style languages.
Add and delete citation style languages.
Configure the following settings for citation style languages: enable/disable a style, modify the display label, and create translations for the display label.
Adding a Citation Style
You can also use citation styles that have been defined with the Citation Style Language (CSL) and stored in GitHub's CSL Style Repository.
Open the CSL Style Repository on GitHub:
CSL Style Repository -
Select Find file to open the search interface.
Search Interface for CSL Repository -
In the search box, type a search term to find the style that you want to use.
Copy the name of the style, but do not include the suffix (.csl).
Because Alma downloads new styles from the repository prior to each release, some of the newer styles may not be available until Alma's next release.
In Alma, open the Citations Styles List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Citations Styles).
Citations Styles List Page -
Select Add to a add a new citation style.
Add Style Dialog Box
In the dialog box, specify the following fields and then select Add.
Code – Paste the name of the citation style that you copied earlier from the CSL repository (such as modern-language-association). If a style name does not match a style downloaded from the list, the system will return an error. For example, this may occur if a new style was added to the repository after Alma's styles were updated for the current release.
Label – Specify a display label for the citation style (such as MLA)
Order – Specify a unique number to indicate the position of the display label. Labels appear in ascending order from the top.
Enabled – Indicates whether this citation style is available to users.
You can add as many styles as you want to the table, but a maximum of 20 styles can be enabled at a time.
If you want to create a translation for the new citation style, edit the Citation Labels code table and create a new row that uses the following format for the Code field: citation.labels.<Source Type>. For more information, see Configuring the Display Labels for Alma-Summon.
Editing a Citation Style
The Citation Style page allows you to modify the following settings for a citation style: Label, Order, and Enabled.
Open the Citations Styles List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Citations Styles).
For the style that you want to modify, select the Edit row action to open the Citation Style page.
Update the following fields as needed:
Label – Specify a display label for the citation style (such as MLA). If you want to create translations for the label, modify the Citation Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring the Display Labels for Alma-Summon.
Order – Specify a unique number to indicate the position of the display label. Labels appear in ascending order from the top.
Enabled – Indicates whether this citation style is available to users.
You can add as many styles as you want to the table, but a maximum of 20 styles can be enabled at a time.
Select Save.
Deleting a Citation Style
Open the Citations Styles List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Citations Styles).
For the style that you want to delete, select the Delete row action to delete the style.