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    PO Line

    A PO Line table is a dimension table that stores details about the PO and the PO Line. The PO line is the management unit of the order. Note that the fields under this dimension are not sorted alphabetically, but logically in most cases, ordered by their place in the PO line creation pages. Also note that this table includes fields for both physical and electronic items although some are relevant only to one of the types.
    For more information about enhancements made to the PO Line, see the Analytics: PO Line Dimension Enhancements video (3:45 mins).
    Field Description Field Location in Alma Additional Information Data Type Data Size
    Access Model The public access model for the electronic resource. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Activation Information section Available only for electronic resources.

    The values are configured in the Access Model code table.
    VARCHAR 4000
    Acquisition Method The code of the method by which the PO Line is acquired, with the default value set as PURCHASE.

    This value may change when the PO Line is sent.
    -- See the Acquisition Method Code table. VARCHAR 255
    Acquisition Method Description The description (label) of the acquisition method. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section

    The label in Alma is Acquisition method.
      VARCHAR 4000
    Additional Order Reference An additional identifier for the PO line. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section

    The label in Alma is Additional PO Line Reference Field.
      VARCHAR 255
    Application Used for identifying migrated PO lines. -- Data is stored in the DB and not exposed in the Alma UI. VARCHAR 255
    Assigned To The user to which the order is assigned. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Left pane   VARCHAR 255
    Associated PO Line The PO line associated with the current one. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section   VARCHAR 255
    Association Type The type of association between PO lines. Defined by a user, process, or job. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Associated PO Lines link Available when there is an associated PO line VARCHAR 255
    Cancellation Reason Code for the reason that a PO line is canceled. Displayed only for canceled PO lines.   The cancellation reason label appears in the History link. To match the label from the PO line History page to the code in analytics, see the PO Line Cancellation Reasons Code table at Configuration > Purchase Orders > PO Line Cancellation Reasons.

    The cancellation reason is selected when cancelling a PO line.

    VARCHAR 255
    Cancellation Restriction Indicates if the cancellation restriction note is displayed when cancelling of a PO line, which contains a warning about the cancellation. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section Possible values are Yes/No. VARCHAR 4000
    Cancellation Restriction Note The warning to be displayed when canceling a PO line when Cancellation Restriction is selected in Alma. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section Displayed when Cancellation Restriction is selected. VARCHAR 4000
    CKB ID When clicking Order from an Electronic Collections search, a CKB ID (Central Knowledgebase ID) is stored as a reference to the electronic collection ID, rather than an MMS ID. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section

    The label in Alma is CKB ID.
    Not available when there is an MMS ID. VARCHAR 50
    Claiming Date The date on which the PO line is sent to the claims task list. -- Determined by adding the number of days in the claiming grace period to the expected receipt/activation date.

    Calculated from the "Claiming grace period field (days)" field on the Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section.

    For more information, see Criteria for Marking PO Lines as In Claim.

    Claiming Date (Calendar) Claiming Date without a timestamp  --   DATE  
    Currency The currency of the transaction. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Pricing and Funding section > next to the List Price field   VARCHAR 3
    Discount The discount amount. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Pricing and Funding section

    The label in Alma is Discount (amount).
    ERP Number The Enterprise Resource Planning  number of the purchase order. -- Used by customers that want the purchase order to be approved by an ERP system before it is sent to the vendor.

    For more information, see Orders Export in the Developers Network.

    VARCHAR 255
    Expected Activation Date The expected date for the resource activation by vendor for electronic PO lines. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section Only for electronic PO lines. DATE  
    Expected Activation Interval For electronic PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect electronic orders to be activated. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section

    The label in Alma is Activation due after ordering (days).
    Only for electronic PO lines. DOUBLE  
    Expected Receipt after Ordering Interval For physical PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect physical orders to be received. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section

    The label in Alma is Expected receipt after ordering (days).
    Only for physical PO lines. DOUBLE  
    Expected Receipt Date For physical PO lines, the expected date for physical items to be received from the vendor. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section

    The label in Alma is Expected receipt (date).
    Only for physical PO lines. DATE  
    Interested Users Displays the interested users for the PO line. If more than one user is added to the PO line, values are concatenated. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Interested Users section Note that to search for a specific user, you should use the contain filter to also find cases where more than one user was added to the PO. VARCHAR 4000
    Invoice Status The status of the invoice. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section   VARCHAR 4000
    Is Claimed Indicates if there is an open claim to the vendor. A PO line is claimed if the items were not received or if the receiving/activation date of the PO line passed. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Left pane, when marked In Claim Possible values are Yes/No. VARCHAR 3
    Item Description The description of the ordered physical item. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Ordered Items section The description entered for the PO line. Note that this field is not taken from the bibliographic details. It is useful when no item is related to the PO line. Only for physical one-time PO lines. VARCHAR 4000
    License ID The unique ID of the license of the PO line that is relevant for electronic PO lines. -- Available only for electronic resources. Data is stored in the DB and not exposed in the Alma UI. VARCHAR 50
    List Price The list price for a single copy of the item. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Pricing and Funding section   DOUBLE  
    Manual Renewal Indicates whether the PO line is renewed manually or automatically. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Renewal Information section Yes for manual and No for automatic.

    Relevant for standing orders and subscriptions.

    Material Supplier The vendor supplying the material being ordered. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section This is a concatenation of: vendor name (name code)/account description (account code). VARCHAR 800
    Material Type The material type of the PO line. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section For example: Book. VARCHAR 4000
    Net Price A calculation of the total price for the PO line based on the list price per copy, the discount, and the number of copies ordered. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Pricing and Funding section   DOUBLE  
    No Charge Indicates if there is a charge for the PO line. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Pricing and Funding section Yes / No VARCHAR 10
    Note To Vendor Notes to the vendor. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section   VARCHAR 2000
    Order Line Type The order line type as it appears in the order in Alma. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Summary section

    Does not have a label in the Alma UI.
    See the PO Line Type Code table. VARCHAR 4000
    Order Line Type Code The code for the Purchase Order line type. -- See the PO Line Type Code table. VARCHAR 255
    PDA Code The patron driven acquisition code. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > (Electronic Resource) > Ordered Portfolios section> [Edit] >Acquisitions section> View PDA Details 

    The label in Alma is Code.

    Only if the PO line was created by a PDA process. VARCHAR 4000
    PDA Name The patron driven acquisition name Acquisitions > All PO Lines > (Electronic Resource) > Ordered Portfolios section> [Edit] > Acquisitions Tab

    The label in Alma is PDA.

    Only if the PO line was created by a PDA process. VARCHAR 4000
    PO Approval Date The date the PO was approved (the sent date). Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Record View.

    The label in Alma is Sent Date.

    PO Creation Date The timestamp of the PO creation date. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Summary section> [PO link] > Information Icon  

    The label in Alma is Created on. 
    PO Creation Date (Calendar) PO creation date without a timestamp. --   DATE  
    PO Creator The user that created the PO (user name). Acquisitions > Review (PO) > Right Pane > Information Icon 

    The label in Alma is Created by.
      VARCHAR 255
    PO Line Binding During Receiving Indicates if the PO line is marked for binding during receiving (for physical items). Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Receiving Information section

    The label in Alma is Binding during receiving.
    Relevant only for physical items.

    Possible values are Yes/No.

    VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Creation Date The timestamp of the PO line creation date. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > History link > Info icon

    The label in Alma is Created on.
    PO Line Creation Date (Calendar) PO line creation date without a timestamp. --


    PO Line Creator The user that created the PO line (user name). Acquisitions > All PO Lines > History link > Info icon

    The label in Alma is Created by.
      VARCHAR 255
    PO Line Identifier The identifier of the ordered title.

    (ISSN or ISBN)
    Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section

    The label in Alma is Identifier.
      VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Inventory Active Library Code The code of the active (not deleted) library of the inventory (item). PO Line Inventory Library Name, which matches the code, can be seen in the Ordered Items section. Library codes are configured in Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Inventory Library Code The code of the library of the inventory (item).  PO Line Inventory Library Name, which matches the code, can be seen in the Ordered Items section. Library codes are configured in Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Label The labels assigned to the PO line Acquisitions > All PO Lines >PO Line Summary section This is a repeatable field in Alma, which is concatenated in analytics. It is fee-text field, configured by the user. For more information, see Managing Labels in the Details Pane. VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Manual Packaging Indicates if the PO line was manually packaged into a PO. Acquisitions > All PO Lines >PO Line Information section

    The label in Alma is Manual packaging.
    Possible values are Yes/No. VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Modification Date The timestamp of the PO line modification date. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > History link> Info icon

    The label in Alma is Last updated on.
    PO Line Modification Date (Calendar) PO line modification date without a timestamp. --   Date  
    PO Line Modified By The user that modified the PO line (user name). Acquisitions > All PO Lines > History link > Info icon

    The label in Alma is Last updated by.
      VARCHAR 255
    PO Line Notes The notes on the PO line. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Notes  section Multiple notes are separated by a semicolon. VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Owner Library Code The code of the PO line owner library. Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Right Pane

    The label in Alma is Code.

    Library codes are configured in Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Owner Library Name The name of the PO line owner library. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Summary section

    The label in Alma is PO Line Owner.
      VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Reference The business identifier of the PO line (PO Line number). Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Summary section

    The label in Alma is PO Line.
    This is the PO line number in Alma. VARCHAR 255
    PO Line Routing During Receiving Indicates if the PO line is marked for routing during receiving. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Receiving Information section

    The label in Alma is Routing during receiving.
    Relevant only for physical items.

    Possible values are Yes/No.

    VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Title The title of the PO line. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Summary section

    There is no label in Alma.

      VARCHAR 4000
    PO Line Vendor Title Number A vendor-supplied number for the associated title on a PO line. The MARC 035 field of the bibliographic record. An identifier other than ISBN/ISSN for non-books inventory. VARCHAR 4000
    PO Modification Date The timestamp of the PO modification date. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Receiving Information section

    The label in Alma is Last updated on.

    PO Modification Date (Calendar) The PO modification date without the timestamp. -- This date format is useful when filtering the report by date. DATE  
    PO Modified By The user that modified the PO (user name). Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Receiving Information section

    The label in Alma is Last updated by
      VARCHAR 255
    PO Number The business identifier of the PO related to the PO line. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Left pane

    The label in Alma is PO.
      VARCHAR 255
    Quantity for Pricing The number of items to be paid for. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Pricing and Funding section. The quantity for pricing and the number of items to create may be different in a case of discounted pricing through a deal such as "buy two items and get a third item at no additional charge". DOUBLE  
    Receiving / Activation Note Text with which the Purchasing Operator indicates to the Receiving Operator the intended location of serial order items in which no inventory items are created. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Activation Information section Activation information is only available for electronic resources.

    For physical resources, the section is Receiving Information.

    VARCHAR 4000
    Receiving Date (Latest in POL) This field allows you to retrieve the latest receiving date for an item in a PO line. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Ordered Items section> Receiving date (the most recent receiving date) This is useful, since a PO line can have several items and each of the items may have a different receiving date. DATE  
    Receiving Status An indication (Yes/No) of whether or not all physical items were received in the receiving workbench. --   VARCHAR 10
    Reclaim Interval (Days) The interval number of days that Alma will send reclaim letters after the initial claim letter is sent. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section Relevant only for physical PO lines. NUMERIC  
    Renewal Cycle The cycle for the autorenewal job for continuous orders For example, if it is set to one year, the PO line is renewed in one year. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Renewal Information section Defined in the RenewalCycle code table.

    Relevant only for continuous orders.

    Renewal Date The date of the PO line’s next renewal for continuous orders. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Renewal Information section Relevant only for continuous orders. DATE  
    Renewal Note The note of the PO line renewal for continuous orders. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Renewal Information section Relevant only for continuous orders. VARCHAR 4000
    Renewal Reminder Period Determines how many days before renewal an email regarding that renewal is sent. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Renewal Information section

    The label in Alma is Renewal reminder period (days).
    Relevant only for manually renewed continuous orders. DOUBLE  
    Reporting Code - 1-5 Five fields that store the reporting codes.   As defined in the Reporting Codes code tables. VARCHAR 255
    Reporting Code Description - 1-5 Five fields that store the description of the five reporting code fields. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Reporting Codes section   VARCHAR 4000
    Rush Indicates if the PO line is to be rushed. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Receiving Information section Relevant only for Physical items

    Possible values are 0 or 1. 1 indicates a rush.

    VARCHAR 4000
    Sent Date The date that the PO/ PO line is sent to the vendor. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section

    For PO line - in the history link. 
    Ship To Address City The city to which to ship the physical item. -- From the shipping address configured for the relevant library. VARCHAR 176
    Ship To Address Country The country to which to ship the physical item. -- From the shipping address configured for the relevant library. VARCHAR 320
    Ship to Address ID Internal ID of the library shipping address. -- Data is stored in the DB and not exposed in the Alma UI. DOUBLE  
    Ship To Address Line 1-5 The address to which to ship the physical item. -- From the shipping address configured for the relevant library. VARCHAR 784
    Shipping Method The code of the method for the vendor to ship the order. -- Per the values in Shipping Method code table defined in the acquisition configuration menu. VARCHAR 255
    Source ID The source file ID used for the EOD lines. -- Data is stored in the DB and not exposed in the Alma UI. VARCHAR 255
    Source Type The source from which the PO line originated, for example,  EOD, Manual, and Migration. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Information section   VARCHAR 255
    Status The business status of the PO line as Active, Canceled, or Closed

    There are a number of sub-statuses included in the business status "Active". See the Status (Active) field.
    Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Summary section

    There is no label in Alma.

    (If Active, the sub-status is displayed. See the Status (Active) field).
      VARCHAR 255
    Status (Active) Displays the sub-status of the "Status" field. For example: Waiting for Invoice, Waiting for Manual Renewal, Recurring Renewal, Under Evaluation, Sent, In Review, Ready to Be Sent, Waiting for Packaging, and Manual Packaging. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > PO Line Summary section. There is no label in Alma. When the status is active. VARCHAR 4000
    Subscription From Date The date for the beginning of a subscription for continuous orders. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Renewal Information section Relevant only for subscriptions. DATE  
    Subscription To Date The date for the end of a subscription for continuous orders. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Renewal Information section Relevant only for subscriptions. DATE  
    Vendor Access Provider The vendor that provides access to electronic resources. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section

    The label in Alma is Access provider.

      VARCHAR 255
    Vendor Account Code The vendor account code as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section> > Material Supplier field - the fourth element All the vendors that have been on the order, not just the active vendor. VARCHAR 784
    Vendor Account Description The vendor account description as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section> Material Supplier field - the third element All the vendors that have been on the order, not just the active vendor. VARCHAR 255
    Vendor Code The vendor code as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section> Material Supplier field - the second element All the vendors that have been on the order, not just the active vendor. VARCHAR 255
    Vendor Contact Person ID The related vendor contact person ID. -- Can be accessed by clicking on the Material Supplier in the Vendor Information section. VARCHAR 50
    Vendor Name The vendor name as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section> Material Supplier field - the first element All the vendors that have been on the order, not just the active vendor. VARCHAR 255
    Vendor Reference Number The reference number for the PO line in Alma, as provided by the vendor Serves as a matching point for identifying a PO line in Alma. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section   VARCHAR 255
    Vendor Reference Number Type The type of the reference number. Acquisitions > All PO Lines > Vendor Information section   VARCHAR 255
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