2020 CDI Release Notes
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Electronic Collection Updates
December 2020
- The Descriptive fields for the Korean Research Memory (KRM) (Alma Collection ID: 614900000000001714) are updated to reflect the correct Full text rights, linking, and Type as follows: Full text right: Subscription (Collection Level), Linking: Ling Resolver, Type: Abstract and Indexing database.
- The Full Text Rights Descriptive field for the LSE Research Online (Alma Collection ID: 6121489960000041), is updated to Partially Open Access to reflect the correct full text rights.
- We removed the OA indication for 1science-oafindr-1 e-collection (Alma Collection ID: 614600000000000007) so records will be proxied, as 1science-oafindr-1 is a platform that required authentication.
- The collection Films on Demand: World Cinema Video Collection (Alma collection ID: 6114022680000041) relays on a special linking template for Primo and Primo VE customers, where each library inserts its own special authentication key to the linking syntax in order to access the content on the provider's platform. Recently, the collection's provider, InfoBase Publishers, gave us an update that the word "avod" in the linking syntax should be changed to "fod". AKA from "http://avod.infobase.com..." in the linking syntax to "http://fod.infobase.com..." in the linking syntax. While both options still provide valid linking syntax, we recommend changing the linking syntax to "fod" as the provider recommended.
In order to that please use the following guide: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/...o_and_Primo_VE - We have changed the Full Text Rights of 31 collections to Open Access. For the full list please see the attached file: Update on descrpive fields 12092020.xlsx
- Gallica - All content (Alma Collection ID: 613980660000041) Full-text rights were changed from Subscription (Collection Level) to Partially Open Access.
- The Full-Text Rights for the Amsterdam UMC - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Alma Collection ID: 614900000000001756), has been updated to Partially Open Access.
- We have changed the descriptive fields of Repec (Alma Collection ID: 6113913100000041) and Repec Ideas (Alma collection ID: 6114029550000041) to Linkresolver, and updated the CDI_TYPE to A/I. in addition, we added BackLinks for package: repec-primary-1.
- We have changed the descriptive fields for JAIRO: Japanese Institutional Repositories Online (Japanese) (Alma Collection ID: 6113924520000041). The Search Rights have changed from Subscription to Free and Full Text Rights have changed from Subscription (Collection Level) to Open Access.
- We have changed the descriptive fields for Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 (Alma Collection ID: 6113917070000041) and Early American Imprints, Series II: Supplement from the American Antiquarian Society, 1801-1819 (Alma Collection ID: 6114024960000041). The Search Rights have changed from Free to Subscription.
- We have updated the We have changed the descriptive fields for ZORA (Alma Collection ID: 614900000000001752). The Full-text rights were changed from Open Access to Partially Open Access.
- We have changed the descriptive fields of AgriKnowledge(アグリナレッジ) (A&I) (Alma Collection ID: 6121679240000041) to Linkresolver, and updated the CDI_TYPE to A/I. in addition, we added BackLinks for package: affrit-agriknowledge-1.
- We have changed the descriptive fields of Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition (Alma Collection ID: 6114040750000041) to "link in record".
November 2020
- We have changed the descriptive fields of SciELO Paraguay (Alma Collection ID: 615280000000001227) and SciELO Ecuador (Collection ID: 615280000000001226), reflecting their correct Search rights and Full-text rights: From Subscription to Free search rights and from Subscription to Open Access Full-text rights.
- We have changed the descriptive fields of Coronavirus Research Database (Alma Collection ID: 614940000000000103) and Publicly Available Content Database (Alma Collection ID: 614950000000000034), reflecting their correct Search rights and Full-text rights: From Subscription to Free search rights and from Subscription to Open Access Full-text rights.
- We have changed the descriptive fields for a few Web of Science collections. Social Sciences Citation Index (Alma Collection ID: 6113912780000041), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Alma Collection ID: 6113918120000041) and Science Citation Index Expanded (Alma Collection ID: 6113912990000041) were changed to Abstract and Indexes (A&I) databases. Accordingly, their Full-text rights and linking were changed to Subscription (Linkresolver) and Linkresolver, respectively.
- The Moshe Dayan Center - Tel Aviv University - מרכז משה דיין - אוניברסיטת תל אביב(Alma Collection ID: 6113970610000041) has been updated with new feed, and the back-links of the collection will now offer valid links. The descriptive fields of the collection were updated also and the Full-text rights and linking have been changed to Subscription (Collection Level) and Linking: Link in record.
- We have revised the Open Access status for the collection:UCL Discovery, Alma CZ ID- 614900000000001747. We improved the accuracy for the Open Access mappings, and we marked the records that are Open Access with the appropriate indications and changed the Alma descriptive field to Partially Open Access.
- The Open Access status for the collection: University of North Texas Digital Library, Alma CZ ID- 613800000000000667 has been updated in Alma descriptive field to Partially Open Access to reflect the accurate indication of this collection. This change will be part of the 4th November Content Update ( 20204700 ) that will be released on November 22nd.
The descriptive fields for the NDL Search (Alma Collection ID: 6113924330000041) have been corrected to reflect the correct search rights and full text as follows: Search Rights from Subscription to Free, and Full Text Rights from Subscription (Linkresolver) to Subscription (Collection Level). And for the NDL Digital Collections (Alma Collection ID: 6122519710000041), has been corrected to reflect the correct search rights and full text as follows: Search Rights from Subscription to Free, and Full text Rights from Subscription (Linkresolver) to OpenAccess.
We have changed the descriptive fields of Taylor & Francis eBooks Open Access (Alma Collection ID: 614910000000001604), reflecting the correct Search rights and Full-text rights: From Subscription to Free search rights and from Subscription to Open Access Full-text rights.
We have changed the descriptive fields of Oxford Art Online (Alma Collection ID: 613780000000001145), reflecting the correct Linking: From Linkresolver to Link in Record.
We have changed the descriptive fields of MADOC Publikationsserver (Alma Collection ID: 614900000000001725), reflecting the correct Full-text rights: From Open Access to Partially Open Access Full-text rights.
We have changed the descriptive fields of VCU Scholars Compass (Alma Collection ID: 614900000000001776), reflecting the correct Full-text rights: From Open Access to Partially Open Access Full-text rights.
October 2020
- We have fixed the linking in the descriptive fields for 17 collections of the Korea Information Science Society, China Online Journals, and SAE collections. for the full list please see the attached file: Update on descriptive fields 10122020.xlsx
- We have fixed the descriptive fields for 189 ProQuest newspapers collections and now they have the correct descriptive fields for linkresolver collections. For the full list, please see the attached file:ProQuest Newspapers.xlsx
- In CDI, until now collections with portfolios and titles that used "Link in record" as linking method were marked as "Subscription (Collection Level)" and linking "Link in record". We understood that the "Subscription (Collection Level)" might be a confusing indication for collections with titles and portfolios, since the collections are selective and can be activated selectively.
In order to clarify the activation options for these collections, we have updated 809 collections from that type with "Subscription (Linkresolver)", to indicate that they can be activated selectively. The linking of these collections remained "Link in record" as it was before, and was not changed. For the full list of 809 collections, please see the following file: Link in record collection with titles.xlsx - The collection U.S. Newsstream (Alma collection ID: 614340000000000155) was changed to Linkresolver linking as part of the ProQuest newspaper collections alignment from earlier this month
- Due to a recent platform change of DBPIA, Nurimedia DBPIA Journals (Alma collection ID: 611000000000000687) linking was changed from Link in record to Linkresolver.
- We have ingested a new feed of records from Springer, that now include up to date records for Springer's books and book chapters. Your current activated collections and portfolios from springer will now allow you to discover more chapters and books than before.
- We have revised the Open Access status for the collection: UBIRA eTheses (University of Birmingham), Alma CZ ID- 6122459160000041. We improved the accuracy for the Open Access mappings, and we marked the records that are Open Access with the appropriate indications and changed the Alma descriptive field to Partially Open Access.
September 2020
- Collections: Early English Books Online (ID: 614940000000000049) and Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Period (ID: 614950000000000444) were corrected to use Subscription (Collection Level) and Link in Record.
- In the last month, multiple collections from JSTOR were changed to Linking = Link in Record, in order to solve linking issues that were reported by customers. In order to maintain the Link Resolver functionality and the ability to see all Full-text links from all possible platforms, we will solve the linking issues in other ways and will change the collections back to LinkResolver linking. For the list of relevant collections, please see the list: JSTOR_Collections.xlsx
Please note, Messages regarding linking method changes will be published here in the CDI Release notes. - The linking for Highwire Press National Academy of Science, Alma collection ID: 611000000000000125, was changed to linkresolver in order to overcome linking issues and improve the discovery experience.
- The linking for Gale OneFile: News, Alma collection ID: 611000000000002642, was changed back to linkresolver
- We added 3 sub-collections to the Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP) collection. In order to see the new sub-collections in your collection facet, please activate the three IHP sub-collections that are detailed below:
- מפתח חיפה לכתבי עת אקדמיים ומחקריים - Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP): Articles from Research Journals
- מפתח חיפה לכתבי עת מקצועיים - Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP): Articles from Professional Journals
- מפתח חיפה לכתבי עת שפיטים - Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP): Articles from Peer-Reviewed Journals
August 2020
- Pe'er (פא"ר) collection will be removed from the Central Discovery Index, following the decision of The Open University of Israel to decommission the website. The collection will no longer be available for activation from September 1st, 2020.
- For customers who had the collection "Trove (Australian Theses)" active in Primo Central - This Primo Central collection was not mapped correctly and as a result, it was not activated as part of the enablement process. Please make sure you active also the following collections in Alma CZ in order to discover all of Trove's records:
- Trove Australian Thesis (Full Text - Open Access & Abstracts) - Collection ID:614900000000001704 - Provider package code:AEPPA
- Trove Australian Thesis (Full Text - Open Access) - Collection ID: 614900000000001705 - Provider package code:ABJQH
- Trove Australian Thesis (Abstracts) - Collection ID: 614900000000001703 - Provider package code:AAHIL
July 2020
- The National and University Library of Iceland (Timarit) has changed its publication feed from an article-level feed to a publication-level feed. CDI will add the new publication-level feed to the existing article-level feed.
- Mintel Group Collections are not up to date and some content is currently missing in CDI. Please check the full article here.
- Dissertations of China from Wanfang Data Co,. Ltd. is now available in CDI. To access this content, you must choose one of two databases, based on your geographical location: either "Dissertations of China" (for use in mainland China only) or "学位论文 (Dissertations of China)" (for use outside of mainland China). Both databases provide access to all content currently available for Dissertations of China, but provide different methods of access.
June 2020
May 2020
- The Collections list available in CDI for Alma users was published here. This list will be updated monthly.
- Please check our monthly Release Notes to learn about CDI new collections, removals, special linking instructions, etc.
New Electronic Collections
No new electronic collections match your criteria.
December 2020
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
American Chemical Society Symposium Series | American Chemical Society | 613230000000000032 | AMERICAN_CHEMICAL_SOCIETY_SYMPOSIUM_SERIES | 3RI | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
American Chemical Society Advances in Chemistry Series | American Chemical Society | 613230000000000033 | AMERICAN_CHEMICAL_SOCIETY_ADVANCES_IN_CHEMISTRY_SERIES | 3RK | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ASME Digital Collection eBooks | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 612610000000000094 | ASME_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_EBOOKS | J57 | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ASME Digital Collection Conference Proceedings | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 611000000000002639 | ASME_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_CONFERENCE_PROCEEDINGS | 5AP, SDN | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ASME Digital Collection Journals | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 611000000000000172 | ASME_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_JOURNALS | RAI, | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ASME Digital Collection Journals Archive | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 612430000000000047 | ASME_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_JOURNALS_ARCHIVE | 5AI | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
BioScientifica | BioScientifica Ltd | 611000000000000070 | BIOSCIENTIFICA | TBS | Partially Open Access |
Pascal-Francis (A/I Collection) | INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique du CNRS | 615300000000000222 | PASCAL_FRANCIS | IQODW | Subscription (Collection Level) |
African History and Culture, 1535-1922, Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia | Readex | 6113982170000041 | AFRICAN_HISTORY_AND_CULTURE_IMPRINTS_FROM_THE_LCP_1540-1921 | AAFNF | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Black Authors, 1556-1922, Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia | Newsbank | 615300000000000218 | BLACK_AUTHORS_1556-1922_IMPRINTS_FROM_THE_LIBRARY_COMPANY_OF_PHILADELPHIA | BCAML | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920, Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia | Readex | 6113991960000041 | CARIBBEAN_HISTORY_AND_CULTURE_1535-1920 | AEZCU | Subscription (Collection Level) |
November 2020
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Xavier University of Louisiana''s Digital Archives | Xavier University of Louisiana | 615300000000000204 | XAVIER_UNIVERSITY_OF_LOUISIANAS_DIGITAL_ARCHIVES | ABXOZ | Subscription (Collection Level) |
SAE EDGE™ Research Reports - 2021 | SAE International | 615300000000000201 | SAE_EDGE_RESEARCH_REPORTS_2021 | PJPKW | Subscription (Collection Level) |
SAE EDGE™ Research Reports - Full collection | SAE International | 615300000000000198 | SAE_EDGE_RESEARCH_REPORTS_FULL_COLLECTION | EVQKV | Subscription (Collection Level) |
SAE EDGE™ Research Reports - 2019 | SAE International | 615300000000000199 | SAE_EDGE_RESEARCH_REPORTS_2019 | JKLNL | Subscription (Collection Level) |
SAE EDGE™ Research Reports - 2020 | SAE International | 615300000000000200 | SAE_EDGE_RESEARCH_REPORTS_2020 | NUKCP | Subscription (Collection Level) |
University of Southern Denmark PURE | Syddansk Universitetsbibliothek | 615300000000000168 | UNIVERSITY_OF_SOUTHERN_DENMARK_PURE | SDUKS | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Israel Antiquities Authority | Israel Antiquities Authority | 615300000000000197 | ISRAEL_ANTIQUITIES_AUTHORITY | ANXHH | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Surry County Digital Heritage | Surry Community College (NC) | 615300000000000211 | SURRY_COUNTY_DIGITAL_HERITAGE | AECNA | OpenAccess |
FPUScholarWorks | Fresno Pacific University | 615300000000000219 | FPUSCHOLARWORKS | ADTJG | Subscription (Collection Level) |
October 2020
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
China Academic Conference Proceedings Database (Outside Mainland China Only) | Wanfang Data | 614900000000002679 | CHINA_ACADEMIC_CONFERENCE_PROCEEDINGS_DATABASE_OUTSIDE_MAINLAND_CHINA_ONLY | CCPZH | Subscription (Collection Level) |
中国学术会议论文全文数据库(China Academic Conference Proceedings Database, CACP) | Wanfang Data | 614900000000002678 | CHINA_ACADEMIC_CONFERENCE_PROCEEDINGS_DATABASE_CACP | XR3 | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Academic Conferences in China (Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences) | Wanfang Data | 6113993900000041 | ACADEMIC_CONFERENCES_IN_CHINA_ARTSHUMANITIESSOCIAL_SCIENCES | ACCLX | Subscription (Collection Level) |
China Local Gazetteers | Wanfang Data | 61656894160003731 | CHINA_LOCAL_GAZETTEERS | .9T | Subscription (Collection Level) |
September 2020
Collection ID | Collection name | Provider Name | FullText Rights |
613460000000000031 | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) | Airiti Inc. | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
611000000000002585 | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services Humanities | Airiti Inc. | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
611000000000002588 | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services Basic & Applied Sciences | Airiti Inc. | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
613810000000000321 | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services Engineering | Airiti Inc. | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
611000000000002586 | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services Bio Agriculture | Airiti Inc. | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
611000000000002587 | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services Social Science | Airiti Inc. | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
611000000000002589 | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services Health & Medical Care | Airiti Inc. | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
6113966960000041 | AraBase |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000130 | AraBase (Full Text Only- for Discovery) |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000129 | Dissertations |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000131 | Dissertations (Full Text Only- for Discovery) |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
6114066300000041 | EcoLink Arabic Database |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000132 | EcoLink Arabic Database (Full Text Only- for Discovery) |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
6114055050000041 | EduSearch Arabic Database |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000133 | EduSearch Arabic Database (Full Text Only- for Discovery) |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000128 | HumanIndex |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000134 | HumanIndex (Full Text Only- for Discovery) |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
6113966970000041 | IslamicInfo |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000135 | IslamicInfo (Full Text Only- for Discovery) |
دار المنظومة(Dar Almandumah - Saudi Arabia)
Subscription (Collection Level) |
611000000000001853 | Berghahn Journals | Berghahn Books Online | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615300000000000082 | Berghahn Journals Open Access | Berghahn Books Online | OpenAccess |
615300000000000153 | מפתח חיפה לכתבי עת אקדמיים ומחקריים - Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP): Articles from Research Journals | Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP) | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000154 | מפתח חיפה לכתבי עת מקצועיים - Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP): Articles from Professional Journals |
Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP) | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000155 | מפתח חיפה לכתבי עת שפיטים - Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP): Articles from Peer-Reviewed Journals | Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP) | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000136 | DataCite (Open Access) | DataCite | OpenAccess |
611000000000000499 | Wiley Online Library Online Books | Wiley-Blackwell | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
613240000000000039 | Wiley Online Major Reference Works | Wiley-Blackwell | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
August 2020
Collection ID | Collection name | Provider Name | FullText Rights |
611000000000001316 | Springer Publishing Connect | Springer Publishing Connect | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
613520000000000008 | Tidsskrift.dk Open Access Free | Tidsskrift.dk Open Access Free | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614330000000001331 | Literature Resource Center - Scribner Writers Module | Galegroup | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614110000000000330 | IOP Publishing Concise Physics Release 5 | Institute of Physics | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614930000000000036 | IOP Publishing Expanding Physics Release 6 | Institute of Physics | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614930000000000038 | IOP Publishing Concise Physics Release 6 | Institute of Physics | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000001145 | IOP Publishing Jordanian Public University Library System CoE Collection | Institute of Physics | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000001146 | IOP Publishing CAUL Collection | Institute of Physics | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000001147 | AAS-IOP Astronomy Release 2 | Institute of Physics | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614940000000000100 | Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker | ProQuest | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000091 | JoVE Lab Manual: Introductory Chemistry | Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) | Subscription (Collection Level) |
6114063110000041 | 学位论文 (Dissertations of China) | Wanfang | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614910000000002167 | Daat - Herzog College - דעת - מכון הרצוג | Daat - Herzog College - דעת - מכון הרצוג | OpenAccess |
July 2020
Collection ID | Collection name | Provider Name | FullText Rights |
613720000000001468 | SpringerLink Books Engineering 2013 | Springer Link | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
613720000000001513 | SpringerLink Books Medicine 2013 | Springer Link | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
613850000000000403 | Adam Matthew Digital Mass Observation Online 3 | Adam Matthew | Subscription (Collection Level) |
613850000000000404 | Adam Matthew Digital Mass Observation Online 4 | Adam Matthew | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615280000000001774 | AnthroSource | AnthroSource | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
6113980230000041 | BMJ Best Practice | BMJ | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615280000000001974 | Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses All Books 2019 | Cambridge University Press | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000002049 | Cambridge eBooks Frontlist 2019, excluding Law-Medicine | Cambridge University Press | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000002099 | Cambridge Journals 2017 SC-Tec Package Standard UK | Cambridge University Press | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615300000000000075 | Web of Science - Arts & Humanities Citation Index - 2020 | Clarivate | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615300000000000076 | Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded - 2020 | Clarivate | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615300000000000077 | Web of Science - Social Sciences Citation Index – 2020 | Clarivate | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
6122519690000041 | Bibliothèque Numérique ENI | Editions ENI | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000092 | Editions ENI - vidéos | Editions ENI | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615280000000001133 | Business Insights: Global | Gale | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615300000000000086 | Apothesis | Hellenic Open University | OpenAccess |
611000000000001682 | IEEE Xplore POP ALL | IEEE | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615300000000000087 | Gallica - Open Access | Institutional Repository | OpenAccess |
615280000000001430 | Ohio State University Press Knowledge Bank Free Collection During the COVID-19 | Institutional Repository | OpenAccess |
615310000000000020 | OPUS FAU - Online publication system of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Institutional Repository | OpenAccess |
615300000000000080 | SUNY Geneseo KnightScholar | Institutional Repository | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614340000000000056 | University of Adelaide Press eBooks | Institutional Repository | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615300000000000078 | ZORA (Open Access) | Institutional Repository | OpenAccess |
613860000000000011 | JSTOR Unlimited Usage Book Titles | Jstor | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
61110974978799720 | Karger Journals Complete | Karger | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000001786 | Nature Journals Online | Nature Journals Online | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
613170000000000023 | Ovid LWW Medical Book Collection - No textbooks (2009) | Ovid | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614940000000000135 | History Vault: Japanese American Incarceration: Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946 | ProQuest | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614900000000000337 | SAGE HSS Backfile Upgrade Purchase 2019 | Sage | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614900000000000327 | SAGE HSS Package 2019 | Sage | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615280000000000884 | Wiley Online Library Database Model 2020 | Wiley | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
6113917100000041 | Dissertations of China [note: for use outside of mainland China only] | Wanfang Data Co,. Ltd. | Subscription (Collection Level) |
6114063110000041 | 学位论文 (Dissertations of China) [note: for use in mainland China only] | Wanfang Data Co,. Ltd. | Subscription (Collection Level) |
June 2020
Collection ID | Collection name | Provider Name | FullText Rights |
614940000000000117 | Latin American Drama | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000111 | Music Video Collection - Canada | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000112 | Music Video Collection - China | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000113 | Music Video Collection - Outside North America | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000114 | Music Video Collection - United States | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000115 | Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000, edited by Judy Tzu-Chun Wu and Rebecca Plant, Fall 2019-Spring 2020 | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000116 | Nursing Education in Video: Third Edition | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000118 | Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies (Video) | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
614940000000000119 | Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies (Text) | Alexander Street | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615310000000000016 | EBooks Minnesota | BiblioLabs | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615300000000000041 | Open Research Library (Open Access) | BiblioLabs | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000001132 | EThOS: Electronic Theses Online Service Full Text | British Library Board | OpenAccess |
614920000000000232 | eLibro Cátedra España | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000233 | eLibro Coleta Academica | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000234 | eLibro Educación | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000235 | eLibro Derecho | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000236 | eLibro Cátedra | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000237 | eLibro Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000238 | eLibro Bellas Artes, Artes Visuales y Ciencias Semióticas | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000239 | eLibro Ciencias Biológicas, Veterinarias y Silvoagropecuarias | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000240 | eLibro Ciencias de la Información y de la Comunicación | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000241 | eLibro Ciencias de la Salud | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000242 | eLibro Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000243 | eLibro Ciencias Exactas y Naturales | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000244 | eLibro Ciencias Sociales | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000245 | eLibro Ficción | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000246 | eLibro Informática, Computación y Telecomunicaciones | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000247 | eLibro Ingenierías y Tecnologías | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000248 | eLibro Interés General | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
614920000000000249 | eLibro Psicología | eLibro | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
615280000000001217 | Future Medicine Open Access | Future Science | OpenAccess |
615280000000001218 | Future Science Open Access | Future Science | OpenAccess |
615280000000001230 | IET Digital Library Open Access | IET Digital Library | OpenAccess |
615300000000000047 | MeTeL Media | Jinan University - METEL | Subscription (Collection Level) |
615280000000001179 | JoVE Science Education: Core, Biology | Jove | Subscription (Collection Level) |
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May 2020
Collection ID | Collection name | Provider Name | FullText Rights |
615300000000000042 | Brage Consortium Repository | Institutional Repository | Open Access |
615300000000000046 | UniSA Research Outputs Repository | Institutional Repository | Open Access |