Ex Libris AutoUpdate Service (NISO KBART automation)
Information for content providers
Ex Libris supports KBART automation for Alma and SFX. (Support for KBART automation in the 360 and Intota services suite is planned for 2022). KBART automation is a service that regularly updates a library’s holdings in a KnowledgeBase with information retrieved from their content providers. The benefits for libraries and content providers are significant:
- Less manual work
- Faster access and usage of material
- More accurate and up-to-date title activation
Essentially library users can get to material much faster than with the traditional manual processes. EJournals and eBooks are activated for the library very quickly after the purchase and therefore are accessible via the discovery services, and other sources where library patrons find their content, shortly thereafter.
This service requires content providers to provide:
- Regularly updated holdings files in KBART II format per customer
- An API that accepts a regular request with a Customer ID (and in addition if needed Requestor ID and API KEY) and responds with the transfer of the holdings file for the requesting customer
- Regular KBART formatted title lists to Ex Libris to create a dedicated KnowledgeBase collection that is then used to be updated by the automated holdings requests. The KBART files for Ex Libris must therefore contain all titles, including their date coverage, that a customer can possibly subscribe to. They must be updated at least with the same frequency as the customer files.
- See Ex Libris Knowledgebases: Content Submission Guide for more details on creating and updating KnowledgeBase collections
The detailed requirements are described in the NISO KBART automation recommendations available here: http://www.niso.org/node/23831
Product-Specific Documentation
Alma: Automatic Upload of Electronic Holdings
SFX: KBART Automation: Automatic Updates to Your Library Holdings
360: Client Center: Automated Holdings Management & Intota: Automated Holdings Management
Testing Period
We are here to help! Please provide Ex Libris with an option for testing while the service is established. Each new content provider also requires development on the Ex Libris side to enable KBART automation and we are of course testing the service end-to-end before releasing it to our mutual customers.
If you have any questions or if you would like to participate in this service, please contact provider.relations@exlibrisgroup.com
- Article last edited: 15-Feb-2022