Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite and Crossref
For information on DOI registration see Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Registration and for information on DOI integration see Configuring External Systems.
Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite
This documentation applies to DataCite version 4.3.
Mandatory Metadata Fields for Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite
- Identifier
- Creator
- Title
- Publisher
- Publication Year
- Resource Type
Fields for Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite
DataCite | Esploro | Comments |
identifier |
Currently only DOI is allowed |
creators |
Creator |
May be a corporate/institutional or personal name. Note that DataCite infrastructure supports between 8000-10000 names. For name lists above that size, consider attribution via linking to the related metadata. |
Affiliation |
Use if the creator/contributor is linked to RESEARCH_ORGANIZATION in RESEARCH_ENTITY_RELATIONS |
Free text |
Use if the creator/contributor is linked to RESEARCH_PERSON (HFR_USER) in RESEARCH_ENTITY_RELATIONS
Attributes (see below for details)
givenName |
publishedFirstName + publishedMiddleName |
familyName |
publishedLastName |
nameIdentifier |
Uniquely identifies an individual or legal entity, according to various schemes. |
nameIdentifierScheme |
Take from USER_IDENTIFER – |
If nameIdentifier is present, nameIdentifier Scheme is mandatory. Examples:ORCID (17), ISNI (18) |
schemeURI |
The URI of the name identifier scheme. |
title |
Title |
Mandatory |
Title.type |
Controlled List Values: |
title.alternative |
Map content to title with paired title.type field =AlternativeTitle |
title.translated |
Map content to title with paired Type=TranslatedTitle |
title.other |
Map content to title with paired Type = OtherTitle |
Publisher |
publisher |
Mandatory For software, use Publisher for the code repository. If there is an entity other than a code repository, that "holds, archives, publishes, prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces" the code. |
PublicationYear |
date.published |
Mandatory |
ResourceType |
resourcetype.esploro |
Mandatory |
Subject |
Subject.esploro and keyworkds |
Optional |
Contributor |
DataCite infrastructure supports up to between 8000 10000 names of contributors. |
ContributorType |
ContributorType |
See the Contributor Types mapping table. |
ContributorName |
Contributorname Contributor Family Name Contributor Given Name |
nameIdentifier |
Take contents of six identifier.* fields in Esploro and map to nameIdentifier in DataCItes. Map the field name after the . to nameIdentifierScheme field. |
Exampe – “identifier.ORCID= 0000-0002-3843-3472” in Esploro => nameIdentifier= 0000-0002-3843-3472 |
nameIdentifierScheme |
See nameIdentifier above |
schemeURI |
Take contents of one of six identifier.*.uri fields |
For example if there is a identifier.ORCID.uri field take contents for schemeURI field. |
affiliation |
Affiliation |
Free text |
Date |
Date.* |
DateType |
date.published |
Map contents to date field and the part after the . to DateType so esploro date.accepted => dataCite date + dateType=accepted. |
date.accepted |
Date + dateType=accepted |
date.available |
Date + dateType=available |
date.collected |
Date + dateType=collected |
date.copyrighted |
Date + dateType=copyrighted |
date.created |
Date + dateType=created |
date.issued |
Date + dateType=issued |
date.submitted |
Date + dateType=submitted |
date.updated |
Date + dateType=updated |
date.valid |
Date + dateType=valid |
date.epublished |
Date + dateType=other |
date.posted |
Date + dateType=other |
date.other |
Date + dateType=other |
language |
language |
Map the 3 char code to 2 char. If no match is found use the "Default language". |
Size |
size |
Size |
extent |
Datacite stores both size and extent in the size field |
Format |
Format |
Free text |
Version |
version |
Rights |
rights |
Free text |
rightsURI |
RightsURI |
URI of the license |
Description |
description.abstract Description.method, description.seriesinformation |
Map the contents of the Esploro field to the description field and map the name after the . to the descriptionType field |
descriptionType |
Take the field name after the. From Esploro – if field is description.abstract then the descriptionType in dataCites is abstract. List of dataCites - acceptable DataCites types are:
GeoLocation |
GeoLocation |
Have a separate GeoLocation for each type – box, point, address |
geoLocationPoint |
geoLocationPoint |
pointLongitude |
pointLongitude |
pointLatitude |
pointLatitude |
geoLocationBox |
geoLocationBox |
westBoundLongitude |
westBoundLongitude |
eastBoundLongitude |
eastBoundLongitude |
southBoundLatitude |
southBoundLatitude |
northBoundLatitude |
northBoundLatitude |
FundingReference |
FundingReference |
funderName |
fundername |
funderidentifier |
Take contents of funderIdentifier.* field |
Map the field name after the . to the funderIdentifierType field. |
funderIdentifierType |
Take from esploro field name |
GRID, crossref, ISNI |
awardNumber |
awardnumber |
awardURI |
awardURI |
awardTitle |
awardtitle |
AlternateIdentifier |
Identifier.issn,identifer.eissn,Identifier.isbn,Identifier.eisbn,identifier.uri,Identifier.pmid |
Can be one of 6 Esploro identifier fields. Map content of the field to DataCites AlternateIdentifier and map field name after . to alternateIdentifierType field. |
alternateIdentifierType |
RelatedIdentifier |
relatedidentifer |
Sends the related asset with the relation type information. |
relatedIdentifierType |
relatedidentifiertype |
Controlled List Values:
relationType |
See the User Identifiers table below |
User Identifiers for Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite
Asset Types Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite
Grants are also sent to Datacite.
Contributor Types Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite
Relationships for Esploro Asset Mapping to DataCite
Esploro relationships that are not listed below are skipped by DataCite. They are not mapped to DataCite because there are no equivalent relationships.
Date Formats in DataCite
Date Format: YYYY,YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
TZD or any other format or level of granularity described in W3CDTF.
Esploro Asset Mapping to Crossref
This documentation applies to Crossref 4.4.2. You can also view general Crossref documentation on the Crossref website.
Asset Categories and Types for Esploro Asset Mapping to Crossref
Dates for Esploro Asset Mapping to Crossref
Esploro | Crossref | Notes |
date.published |
This is a mandatory field in Crossref and Esploro uses the following hierarchy as the source date:
If all of these are missing, the standard |
date.accepted |
acceptance_date |
date.available |
Publication_date if no date_published or date.issued |
date.collected |
date.copyrighted |
date.created |
date.issued |
Publication_date if no date_published |
date.submitted |
date.updated |
Asset updated date |
date.valid |
date.epublished |
publication_date if no date.published |
Attribute = media=”online” |
date.posted | |
date.other |
date.approved |
approval_date |
If approval date is empty, the is sent. If both of these are empty, and the Approval Date is required, data is sent per date priority. |
date.completed |
| |
date.defended |
Relationships for Esploro Asset Mapping to Crossref
• Inter is used to describe relations between items that are not the same work.
• intra is used to define relations between items that are essentially the same work but may differ in format, language, revision, etc.
Date Hierarchy
- DateDegree
- DatePublished
- DateEPublished
- DateCopyrighted
- DatePosted DateAvailable
- DatePresented
- DateOpening
- DatePerformance
- DateValid
- DateIssued
- DateRenewed
- DateApproved
- DateAccepted
- DateDefense
- DateSubmitted
- DateApplication
- DateCompleted
- DateCreated
- DateCollected
- DateOther
- DateUpdated