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    Integrating with Bolk

    Leganto integrates with Bolk to support Norwegian copyright requests. To enable this feature, add your Bolk API key to the bolk_api_key parameter on the External Integration page (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General). When configured, the Bolk Settings page is available to configure (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management).
    Bolk Settings.png
    Bolk Settings table
    In this mapping table, you can define the following parameters:
    • bolk_default_instructor – Specify the default instructor username to send to Bolk when a course does not have an instructor assigned.

    • bolk_default_term – Specify the default term code to send to Bolk when a course does not have a term assigned.

    • bolk_production – Specify whether to send Bolk requests to the Bolk production API (true) or the sandbox API (false).

    • feide_id – Specify the user identifier code that enables Bolk to see which institution submitted the copyright request.

    When the Bolk functionality is defined, a list is associated with a course, and the citation has an ISBN. The Create Bolk Request option appears in the citation's row action list. 
    Creating a Bolk Request
    If you attempt to create Bolk requests on citations belonging to reading lists unassociated with a course, an error message is displayed. To associate the reading list with a course, see Associate a Reading List with One or More Courses or Editing a Reading List.
    Bolk Request Error

    Instructors can make Bolk requests in Leganto when the parameter instructor_bolk_request (Bolk Settings) is set to true (default is false). When set to true, a Create Bolk request link appears in the Library service section.

    The Bolk request option.

    Bolk request
    Bolk requests are not available in the following scenarios and a message appears in the Library services section explaining why Bolk request is not available:
    Scenario Message
    When there is no course. A Bolk request cannot be created because the list has not been associated with a course.
    When there are multiple courses. A Bolk request cannot be created because the list is associated with more than one course.
    When there is no ISBN. A Bolk request cannot be created because the citation doesn’t have an ISBN. Please the citation and add an ISBN in the ISBN field.
    When there is no feide_id for the user. A Bolk request cannot be created because there is no Feide ID registered in Bolk for your user. Please contact your administrator.
    When the course is locked. A Bolk request cannot be created because the course is locked in Bolk.

    Selecting Bolk request displays the Create Bolk request window. If specified in the citation, the fields auto-populate with the page range from the citation and the number of participants in the course. Otherwise, enter the page range(s) that require Bolk approval.

    The Bolk request form.
    Bolk request form

    After submitting the request, one of the following statuses appear:

    • Approved
    • Rejected
    • Ordered
    • In Progress

    You always have the option to Edit a request. Once edited, a new request is created.

    If the request is approved by Bolk, the License Type changes to Bolk and Copyright Status to Approved. Whether or not the request is approved, the librarian can follow the request in the copyright associated with the citation (Citation > Edit > Copyright Attribute).

    When approved by Bolk, instructors can:

    • Accept Rights Clearance
    • Reject Rights Clearance

    A Bolk approved request.

    Bolk request approved

    If a request is rejected, an Extend rights clearance button appears with the price per page information. When selected, the request is submitted to Bolk for processing.

    The option to Extend rights clearance.
    Extend rights clearance

    Extend Rights Clearance

    When an Extend Rights Clearance is required, the Copyright Status updates to Declined and the Bolk Status updates to Rejected. Use the Extend rights clearance action to submit your request to Bolk. The Copyright Status updates to Waiting for Approval and the Bolk Status updates to Ordered.

    If the instructor approves the extend rights clearance conditions, the file will be available to students. If the instructor rejects the extend rights clearance conditions, the file will not be available for students.

    If a request already exists for an ISBN, the following message appears:

    An approved Bolk copyright already exists for this publication in this course. On confirm, all existing requests will be submitted to Bolk for recalculation.


    Letters and Notifications

    To receive letter notifications, configure the Leganto Detailed Notifications Email Letter in General > Letter > Letters Configuration (disabled by default).

    Instructors receive notifications when Bolk Right Clearance Approved/Bolk Right Clearance Rejected are enabled in Leganto > Features > Notifications – Instructor (disabled by default).


    Example notification

    Bolk Status

    Use the Update Bolk Status action from the citation menu to track your Bolk status.

    When the Bolk status changes to Approved, the user sees a price per page and the required fee to make the material available to students. The Copyright Status at this stage maintains the status of Waiting for Approval.

    The following actions are available in the citation menu:

    • Accept Bolk Rights Clearance — You agree to the terms of use. The material will be available for students. The Copyright Status updates to Approved.
    • Reject Bolk Rights Clearance — You do not agree to terms of use. The Copyright Status updates to Declined and the material will not be available for students. You can then update the Bolk request.

    The following alerts are available for tracking Bolk Rights Clearance requests:

    • Bolk Rights Clearance Approved
    • Bolk Rights Clearance Rejected

    When a Bolk request is approved and the response contains a file, users can download the file, or view it in Leganto.

    Locking Bolk Requests

    When instuctor_bolk_request (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Bolk Settings) is set to true, the course can be locked from submitting requests to a course with the action Lock Bolk Requests. When the course is locked, an indicator is added to the associated list. Upon selecting Lock Bolk request from a course, Leganto checks whether there are any outstanding requests still awaiting processing. If there are any outstanding requests, the following message appears:

    Locked course message.
    Locked message

    Importing Bolk Requests

    An API is available for Bolk imports. It has three possible return workflows, Using HE license, Using mandate, and Rights clearance required. A new status field on the citation, Bolk Status, reflects the status of the Bolk request. The workflows affect the Bolk Status as follows:
    • Using HE license - Bolk Status is Approved.
    • Using mandate - Bolk Status is Approved, with the Price per page appended to the field.
    • Rights Clearance Required - Copyright Status is Rejected with the Bolk rejection message immediately following. Bolk Status is Rejected.
    The Create Bolk Request row action on the citation is now Extend Bolk Rights.

    Bolk Copyright Service: Automated Status Updates

    For Norwegian customers, Bolk synchronize was added as a daily job in Admin > Monitor JobsThis job can be enabled to check Bolk's status and update the status in Leganto accordingly. The default setting for this job is disabled.


    Bolk synchronize
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