Leganto Release Notes March 2017
New and Changed Leganto Features
The following features are new or changed in this month's release of Leganto.
Integration with the Digital Content Store (UK)
See Integration with the Digital Content Store (UK) in the Fulfillment - March 2017 Enhancements for details.
When a citation is associated to a DCS item, a View Online link appears in the citation on the reading list page.
Integration with Mendeley
Like what was already implemented for Refworks and Zotero, institutions can now enable instructors to copy citations from Mendeley to a reading list. When enabled by your library, you can enter your credentials into Leganto to begin accessing your Mendeley citations from within Leganto.
When enabled by your library, an additional tab is available in the Citation Managers area of the User Settings dialog box.

Enter your credentials and click Authorize to begin using Mendeley in Leganto. If you have already entered credentials, you can delete them.

After entering valid credentials, then when adding items from My Collection to a reading list (click Open Collection), an additional tab Mendeley is available. Select the tab to view your Mendeley citations. Drag and drop citations to the reading list.

Additional Leganto Features
The following additional changes were made in this month's release:
- When switching to Hebrew, the UI switches to RTL: the sidebar moves to the right and text is flushed to the right. Exported Microsoft Word documents are also RTL, when possible.
- If Leganto has not been used for 60 minutes, your session automatically times out. This functionality is identical to the one already in place for Alma. If you have both Leganto and Alma windows open at the same time, activity in either window updates the timer in both. If you are logged out of one window, you are logged out of both. For more information, see Alma Session Timeout.
- The criteria for what makes a reading list "updated" was expanded to include more events, such as changing the reading list's visibility, adding or removing tags, and so forth. You can view the user who last updated the list in the tooltip when you hover your mouse over the updated notification.
- When duplicating a reading list, its section and citation tags and public notes are also duplicated.
- A link Instructor Highlights appears in the user menu. Click to open a window with the latest features in the current Leganto release that are relevant for instructors (a short version of each month's release notes).
- A small arrow beside each section title now indicates if the section is collapsed or expanded.
- When configured by your library, you will see an additional sidebar link Useful Links at the bottom of the sidebar. Click to view the useful links configured by your library. See Useful Links, below, for configuration information.
- When you select dates for a section, you can now also select that the section will be hidden from the students outside of these dates. When selected, a note about this appears in a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the date range in the section.
- When an item is marked as Funded in SIPX (on the SIPX servers), the citation appears to the instructor with the price crossed out and the note Funded. The citation appears to the student without any price.
- Leganto now uses the same auto-complete functionality set in Primo or Primo Central when searching for Primo or Primo Central items.
- On the Reading List page, clicking the View Online link for an electronic citation now immediately opens the citation using the Alma Link Resolver’s preferred link (the first link, as determined by Alma's display logic rules and discovery interface logic; see Configuring the Order of Online Services), instead of first opening a menu that provides a list of availability choices. The full list of availability links continues to appear on the Citation page. Note that if a citation has no availability, the View Online link may appear in a limited number of cases. In these cases, clicking the link opens a page that informs the user that there is no availability for the citation.
New Alma Configurations
The following features were added to Alma to support Leganto features in this release.
For additional Leganto-related Alma changes in this release, see Fulfillment - March 2017 Enhancements.
Keep Old Values when Overwriting or Rolling Over When Using the Course Loader Integration Profile
See Keep Old Values when Overwriting or Rolling Over When Using the Course Loader Integration Profile in the Fulfillment March 2017 Release Notes.
Useful Links
You can configure a static list of links to appear at the bottom of the user's sidebar in Leganto. For more information, see Configuring Useful Links.
Additional Alma Configurations
- The last person to modify a reading list now appears in the Reading List Information of the Edit Reading List page. For more information about this section, see Managing Reading Lists.
- See Copy Citations from Mendeley. To enable Mendeley, on the Leganto Customer Setting page (Fulfillment > Fulfillment Configuration > Configuration Menu > Leganto > Customer Settings), set the parameters mendeley_client_id and mendeley_secret. For more information, see Mendeley in the developer's network documentation.
- The reading list's visibility and publishing status were added to the reading list API..
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release:
- (URM-58452) Error messages displayed the course ID instead of the course name. This was fixed.
- (URM-68588) Citations added from Refworks or Zotero lost their location information after the screen was refreshed. This was fixed.
- (URM-68663) When viewing or editing a citation, the place of publication did not appear. This was fixed.
- (URM-68950) It was ot possible to access the MD Editor after clicking View in Leganto. This was fixed.
- (URM-69270) When editing a reading list in Leganto and trying to add a tag to a citation, the tags dropdown did not appear. This was fixed.
- (URM-69283) HTML tags did not appear correctly in a citation public note. This was fixed.
- (URM-69331) When adding a citation from My Collection to a reading list using a non-wide screen with resolution 280x1024 and using Hebrew as the display language, the screen was disrupted. This was fixed.
- (URM-69342) In the brief display of a citation for a physical item, the room did not appear in the location. This was fixed.
- (URM-69343) A physical item's availability location remained in English when switching the UI to Hebrew. This was fixed.
- (URM-70914) The default publication status for a duplicated list was published. This was fixed, and the new default is draft.
Next Month Sneak Peek
Features scheduled for next month include:
- Google book preview – Link citations to the Google Book preview page.
- Guest home page – A home page for non-authenticated users (guests) to search, filter, and view guest-accessible reading lists.