Awarded Grants
Available to all Pivot-RP users, the Awarded Grants feature enables you to gain valuable insights by searching across millions of previously awarded grants from dozens of leading international funders. By seeing how much money was given out in the past and the sort of projects that were previously funded, you can more easily decide if you should apply for certain awards from specific funders.
Pivot-RP's Awarded Grants starts with over 35 international funders and information regarding over three million previously awarded grants. See Sources for more information. Additional awarded grants will be added monthly and funders will be added on an ongoing basis.
Note that Pivot-RP uses both manual editorial curation and programmatic ingest and normalization of data which means that:
- Data will continuously improve over time
- You may need to select multiple institution names or try search spelling variants of investigators to discover all desired data
- Not all awarded grants link to an investigator's profile
- Not all awarded grants link to a current opportunity and not all current opportunities can be linked to previous winners
For more information about working with Awarded Grants, see:
The database of information provided with Awarded Grants can be accessed using one of the following methods:
- Basic search
- Advanced search
- Link to a specific funder (to browse all the results for that funder)

Awarded Grants Search Methods
For a list of funders, see Sources.
Basic Search
With Awarded Grants basic search, you can enter free-text search terms in the basic search box. Pivot-RP searches for these terms in any field in the awarded grant, including title, funder, abstract, investigator, and host institution.

Awarded Grants Basic Search
Advanced Search
With Awarded Grants advanced search, you can build simple or highly granular search queries. You can search by:
- All Fields – Enter keywords that may be found in any field.
- Title
- Investigator
- Award year – Select multiple years to search a range of years.
- Funder – Type a funder name or choose one or more funders from the pick list.
- Institution – Type an institution name and select one or more funders from the auto-complete list.
- Award Value – Select a currency.
- Reference ID – Enter the Award's ID as shown in the record's full details.

Awarded Grants Advanced Search
Working with Search Results
Search results appear as shown below.

Awarded Grants Search Results
These results can be sorted by relevance or institution and filtered by:
- Funder
- Award year
- Institution
- Currency
For results where awards were given over recurring years and/or in various subawards, Pivot-RP displays multiple awards as a single rollup rather than duplicate entries in the search results.

Rolled-Up Entries in Search Results
These rolled-up entries can be expanded for you to view details for all linked awards.

Expanded Rolled-Up Entries
For more details on a particular result, select the grant title link to open the Full Details tab.
Full Details View
The Full Details view shows the following:
- Grant title
- Sponsor
- Award ID – The identifier used by the funder to uniquely identify the award.
- Complete date ranges
- Amount
- Investigators / Linked investigators
- Abstract
- Departments
- Institutions
- Original Call(s)

Full Details Tab
Original Calls
When available, you can select the link from Original Call(s) to open a current opportunity from the same funding scheme.

Original Call Link

Current Opportunity (from Original Call Link)
Linked Investigators
When you select the Linked Investigators link, the investigator's Pivot-RP profile appears.

Investigator's Link

Investigator's Profile
Integration with Funding
When you view funding opportunities, Pivot-RP displays a link from the opportunity detail page to previous winners of the funding, if available. With this capability, you can view details for previously awarded grants under the same funding scheme.

Funding Integration with Awarded Grants
This link points to the Full Details page for the previously awarded grant

Integration with the Full Details Page
The Awarded Grants database includes the following list of funders and this list will continue to grow over time:
- Academy of Finland (AKA)
- Arts and Humanities Research Countil (AHRC)
- Australian Research Council ( ARC)
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
- Department of Health (England)
- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
- Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (EPA)
- Erasmus+
- European Research Council (ERC)
- Formas
- Forte
- Health Research Board (HRB)
- Health Research Council of new Zealand (HRC)
- Innovate UK
- Interreg
- Irish Research Council (IRC)
- Leverhulme Trust
- Marie Curie Actions (MSCA)
- Medical Research Council (MRC)
- NC3Rs
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
- Royal Society
- Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
- Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
- Swedish Energy Agency (SEA)
- Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences
- Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
- Swedish Research Council
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
- Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
- U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
- Vinnova
- Wellcome Trust
This list initially represents over three million previously awarded grants and will continue to grow on a monthly basis.