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    Searching Linked Open Data - Person Entity


    Primo VE uses Linked Open Data (LOD), which is structured data that utilizes Web technologies to link related information, to enable users to discover additional information regarding a person (such as an author or historical figure) and to relate it to materials provided by your library. The UI includes the following elements to enable discovery of person entities: Autocomplete Person, Person Info Card, and Person Page.

    • The information gathered from the Library of Congress (LC) and Wikidata is updated once weekly.

    • Currently, this functionality is supported in English only.

    Person Information Sources

    The sources of the person entity information are the Library of Congress Name Authority and Wikidata. If the information exists in LC, it is used. Otherwise, it is taken from Wikidata. The Person description is based on Wikipedia. The Library of Congress and Wikidata persons-related information is updated on our servers once a week. This means that materials removed by the Library of Congress or Wikidata (for any reason) is automatically removed from the Persons index within a reasonable time after the originating site makes the change.

    The match between LC and Wikidata is based on the Identifier property. For example, in LC it is the LC ID (which is taken from 010 a, z), and in Wikidata it is the LC authority ID. We use the LCNAME identifier in Wikidata for matching with LC data. We do not add Wikidata authors if they do not exist in LC.

    Person Property LC Field Wikidata Property

    Person Name

    100 a,q,c,d 



    010 a,z

    Library of Congress  authority ID (P244)

    Birth date

    046 f

    date of birth (P569)

    Birth place

    370 a

    place of birth (P19), country (P17)

    Death date

    046 g 

    date of death (P570)

    Death place

    370 b

    place of death (P20), country (P17)

    Variants (see from tracing—Personal Name)

    400 a


    Link to Wikidata

    024 1{id}.json

    Field of activity

    372 a

    field of work (P101)


    374 a

    occupation (P106)

    Short description


    descriptions > "en" > value

    Link to image


    image (P18)

    Link to Wikipedia


    sitelinks > "enwiki" > url

    IdRef ID


    IdRef ID (P269)

    GND ID


    GND ID (P227)


    Autocomplete Person Entity

    Person entity suggestions are provided for search terms entered for simple and advanced searches. These suggestions appear at the bottom of the autocomplete list, below the suggestions used to return results from the library catalog. Selecting one of these suggestions opens the associated Person page.

    Person entity suggestions in simple search.

    Autocomplete in Simple Search

    Ranking Logic

    Autocomplete for the person entity utilizes Elastic's function_score query functionality, which calculates a score based on the field values returned from records in the initial query's results. More specifically, several new fields are indexed and leveraged during query time. The following fields are currently leveraged to generate values for these new fields:

    Existing Field Indexed Field Value Notes
    occupations occupations_cnt number (total count * 0.7)

    Emphasis is put on the occupations and field of work fields.




    variants_cnt number (total count * 0.2)

    Counts for 'variants' have been discounted slightly since a large number of variants can negatively affect ranking. For example,  Robyn William  has many variants, but it appeared for names such as Waters Charles.


    has_description boolean (value of 3.5 if true)  


    has_image_info boolean (value of 3 if true)  


    has_link_to_wikidata boolean (value of 2.5 if true)  


    has_link_to_wikipedia boolean (value of 2 if true)  

    For example, a query for queen elizabeth returns several person entities including Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II, and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Elizabeth II has more variants and less occupations than Prince Philip, but the original query has a higher score due to variants being included in the original scoring which results in its final score being higher. In addition, the existence of both a description and an image gives more weight to a result that has only links to Wikidata or Wikipedia.

    Person Info Card

    The Person Info Card appears at the top of the Recommendations panel on the Full Display page. It is displayed for each person entity (such as author or historical figure) that is associated with the record. Selecting the person's name in the card opens the Person page. The order of the cards in the Related Persons section is based on the following priority: 1) Creator, 2) Contributor, and 3) Subject. In the following example, the book is linked with the author and the person about which the book was written.

    Person Info Cards in Recommendation panel on Full Display page.

    Person Info Card - Right Panel of Full Display

    Person Page

    The Person page is a dedicated page that displays the person's information on a full page. In addition to the person's information, this page also includes the following sections, which enable users to discover titles associated with that person: Titles in Library Written by Person, Titles in Library Written about Person, and People Associated with Person.

    Person Page with George Washington's information.

    Person Page

    Configuration Options

    This functionality is disabled by default. Refer to the following table to enable this functionality and to configure related options.

    Element Description

    Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings)

    The following parameters were added to this table to support the discovery of person entities:

    • enable_person_entity_info_card – Set this parameter to true to enable the Person Info Card on the Full Display page.

    • enable_person_entity_autocomplete – Set this parameter to true to enable autocomplete for person entities.

    For additional information, see Discovery Customer Settings.

    Person Entity Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following codes have been added to support the Person page:

    • nui.personEntity.titlesBy – Titles in the Library By {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.titlesWrittenAbout – Titles in the Library Written About {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.relatedPeople – People Associated With {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.showAllTitlesBy – See All Titles

    • nui.personEntity.showAllWrittenAbout – See All Titles

    • nui.personEntity.wikipedia  – See more in Wikipedia

    • nui.personEntity.back – Back

    • nui.personEntity.backtoPersonPage – Back to Person Page

    • nui.personEntity.showingAllTitlesBy – Showing List of Titles by {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.showingTitlesWritttenAbout – Showing List of Titles about {person name}

    The following codes have been added to support the Person Info Card on the Full Display page:

    • nui.personEntity.birthDate – Born

    • nui.personEntity.deathDate – Died

    • nui.personEntity.showMore – Show more

    • nui.personEntity.showLess – Show less

    • nui.personEntity.RelatedPersonsTitle – Related Persons

    • nui.personEntity.occupation – Occupation

    • nui.personEntity.fieldOfWork – Field Of Work

    • nui.personEntity.source – Source

    • nui.personEntity.sourceText – Library of Congress Name Authority and Wikidata

    • New for August 2024
      nui.personEntity.copyright – This content is provided by Wikipedia under the CC BY 4.0 license

    Aria Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following codes have been added to support accessibility for the Person page:

    • nui.aria.personEntity.wikipedia – Link To Wikipedia

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showAllTitlesBy – Link To Show All Titles By

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showAllWrittenAbout – Link To Show All Titles Written About

    The following codes have been added to support accessibility for the Person Info Card:

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showMore – Show more

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showLess – Show less

    • nui.aria.personEntity.imageInfo – Information about license and image

    Analytics - Person Entity Discovery

    To track information regarding this functionality, the Action Usage subject area includes the following actions:

    Group Subgroup Action Description


    Related Persons

    Click on the link to Wikipedia

    On the Person page, the user selected the person's link.

    Click on "Show more" on a related person

    In the Person Info Card, the user selected the Show more link to expand the card.

    Related person section appeared

    In the Full Display, the Person Info Card appeared.

    Click on the link from info card to full person page

    In the Person Info Card, the user selected the person's link.

    Click on the link from autocomplete to full person page

    The user selected the person's autocomplete suggestion.

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