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    Viewing Running Jobs

    You can view all jobs that are currently running on the Running tab of the Monitor Jobs page (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs). In addition, Rapido includes dedicated pages that list running and completed jobs of specific types. For the list of job types with their own Rapido pages, see Job Types with Their Own Management Pages.
    The Running tab of the Monitor Jobs page lists all running jobs. You can filter the list by job category and search using the quick-search Find field.
    When using the search, note that selecting Name searches the Name column, which can be seen on the page. Selecting Job details searches the Description column, which cannot be seen on the page. The Description column sometimes provides more information about the job.
    Monitor Jobs Page – Running Jobs
    Jobs run either single- or multi-threaded. The difference between these is:
    • Single-threaded – These jobs are processed in one run, within a relatively short time period (up to 30 minutes). The progress of the job is not shown in the Running tab. An example of a single-threaded job is the fiscal period rollover job.
    • Multi-threaded – These jobs are processed in small bulks, using parallel threads. The Running tab shows the job’s progress as it is run. Examples of a multi-threaded job are indexing, publishing, and SIS imports/synchronization.
    Each job in the Running tab includes the following information:
    Monitoring Jobs - Running Tab
    Column Name Description
    Name The job name.
    Job Category A category defined by the library component and user role associated with the job.
    Creator The user who ran the job. For user-submitted jobs, the name is the user’s user name. For system jobs, the name is System.
    Submit Date The date and time when the job was submitted.
    Start Date The date and time when the job started.
    Progress The percentage of progress in the execution of the job.
    Status The current progress of the job. The following statuses are available:
    • Queued – The job runs only after a blocking job is completed. For example, only one electronic activation job can run at a time.
    • Pending – The job is waiting for system resources to run.
    • Initializing – The job is retrieving the population that needs to be handled. This is relevant for multi-threaded jobs only.
    • Running – The job is running.
    • Aborting – Rapido stops the job. No logs are available and aborting does not affect records that have already been processed.
    • Finalizing – The job report is generated and any subsequent actions that result from the job run are carried out—for example, the FTP of processed files.
    • Skipped - The status of the job was skipped, either because another instance of the job is currently running, and the job does not allow multiple instances, or the job is dependent on the completion of another job, and that job is still running.
    Finished jobs can be viewed in the History tab (see Viewing Completed Jobs).
    To refresh the page view as the job progresses, select Refresh.

    Job Types with Their Own Management Pages

    Rapido includes pages that list running and completed jobs of specific types. Job types with their own Rapido pages include:
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