How do I import references into RefWorks without direct export link?
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Product: RefWorks
Although some databases do not offer a direct export to RefWorks, it is possible to create/dowland a file that can be easily imported into RefWorks.
In this example, we will look at Scopus:
- Perform a Scopus search, from the results list select the references you wish to export.
- Select Export and, from the down arrow, choose RIS. Choose which information fields (such as Abstract) you wish to export and then select Export.
- This should then save a RIS file containing the references in the downloads folder on your device.
- Log in to your RefWorks account and from the + Add menu choose Import references, then select a file from your device.
- Browse your downloads folder on your device (eg. from File Explorer), select the required file and select open.
- If asked, choose the RIS format and then proceed to Import.
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