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    Managing Recommendation Profiles and Feeds

    To manage Recommendation Feed profiles, you must have one of the following roles:
    • Rialto Administrator
    • Super Selector

    Rialto Recommendation Feeds streamline the Selector’s workflow by enabling them to see all offers in their selected subjects found in the Rialto marketplace, ranked in accordance to their preferences. Through the pairing of self- and institution-defined profile criteria with Rialto’s data insights and machine-learning capabilities, Selectors can review best-fit offers with minimal effort.

    Feeds begin at the administration level, through the creation of baseline institution-wide recommendation and ranking profiles. Once the profiles are in place, the library selection staff can begin refining their feed output to best suit their areas of expertise and feed purpose. 

    New offers matching the recommendation become automatically available in the feed. At any time, users can open a feed and purchase offers, add offers to a list, or dismiss unsuitable offers. An offer that has been dismissed will no longer appear in the user's feed view. 

    If at any point you would like help constructing or tuning a profile, please contact your Rialto consultant. Our experienced team can provide guidance, or help create and maintain your profiles.

    You can configure the institution-level recommendations profile that defines users' feeds on the Recommendations Profile List page (Market > Manage Profiles and Ranking > Recommendation Profiles).


    Recommendations Profile list

    Managing recommendation feeds includes:

    Rialto Default Recommendations Profile

    The following recommendations profile is provided with Rialto out-of-the-box. This profile brings in all titles that were published within the last year, and it allows the selection staff to do their work in the first weeks after Rialto integration, before the institutional profiles are finalized. 

    You can modify the profile as you like, or leave it as-is while you are creating the institutional profiles. 

    Profile Criteria
    Recent Publications Published X years ago = '1'

    Ebook offerings for print holdings

    Ebook offerings for print holdings = 'True'

    Creating a Recommendations Feed Profile

    A ranking profile must be selected to save your recommendation feed profile. If you have not created a ranking profile yet (see Managing Ranking Profiles), you can use the default ranking profile that Rialto provides. A different ranking profile can be applied at any time.

    To create a recommendations feed profile:
    1. On the Recommendations Profile List page (Market > Manage Profiles > Recommendations Profile List), select Add Recommendation Profile. The Profile Name Placeholder page appears

    2. When you have defined all the criteria, select the ranking profile at the top to define the order in which the offers will be displayed in the feed. When viewing the feed results, the Selector can select another ranking directly from the feed.

    3. On the right-hand side, enter the name and description for your profile and click Save.

    Configuring the Recommendations Feed Profile

    A profile is composed of one or more criteria that filter the offers that will be included in the recommendations feed.
    When creating profiles, you can either add individual criteria to limit the results or groups of criteria. Baseline criteria will default to an AND relationship, meaning that each criteria must be true for a resource to appear in the feed. (E.g., you might specify a "Price" limit AND a "Year published" limit--if a resource is outside of either limit it will not appear in the feed.)  When adding a group of criteria, you can change the relationship within the group to OR.  In this case, a resources that matches any of the criteria in the group will appear. (E.g., you might specify several "Readership level" limits with an OR relationship--in this case a resource that matches on any of the listed readership levels will appear.)
    Note that only the criteria that you included in the profile are used to filter the offers in the feed. Criteria that you did not include in the profile do not affect the feed. For example, if 'Price' was included in the profile, the feed will show only offers in the range that you specified. But if 'Price' was not included as a criterion, the feed will show offers of any price.

    For more information, watch Query Builder (3 mins).

    Recommendation feed criteria

    To configure a profile: 

    1. In the criteria line that appears on the screen, select a parameter by which to filter the offers in your feed. Then select an operator to include or exclude specific offers, and then select the value for the criteria.
      For more details about the criteria, see Criteria Included in the Recommendations Profile
    2. To add additional criteria, do one of the following:

      • Select plus sign.png above the criterion to add another criterion. 
      • Select copy icon.png to the right of the criterion and duplicate this criterion; then edit the new criterion as necessary. 
    3. To add a group of criteria, select plus group sign.png above the criteria lines and add as many criteria as necessary.

    4. To change the relationship between the groups, click on any of the Boolean operators between the rules. Flags for AND and OR appear at the top of the list. Click one of the flags to select this type of a relationship. To stop displaying these flags, click again on any of the Boolean operators.

    5. To remove a criteria line, hover your cursor over the line to display a blue X at the line’s end. Click the X to remove the line.

    6. When you have defined all the criteria, select the ranking profile on the top to define the order in which the offers will be displayed in the feed. When viewing the feed results, the Selector can select another ranking directly from the feed.

      The ranking profile must already be created at this point. If it wasn't created yet, you can use the default ranking profile that Rialto provides. 
    7. Prior to saving your selections, test the profile to validate that it brings the desired results. See Testing a Recommendations Feed Profile.

    8. Click Save to save your selections. You are directed to the Recommendations Profile List page, where you will find your new ranking profile.

    Criteria Included in the Recommendations Profile

    Criterion Description
    Added X weeks ago Enter the numerical amount of weeks from the current date. This allows you to focus on offers that have been recently added to the Rialto catalog.
    ATO Available  Use to show or hide ebooks that are available as Access to Own under a DDA plan.  
    Author Use this field to search by the author's name.

    Author Affiliation 

    Use to search for titles that have been written by authors associated with your university.  These values are manually assigned to offers by the New Titles team when treating titles. 
    Select a value to display titles that are yet to be published, out of print, or available to purchase.
    'Available to purchase' does not mean the item is in stock with a provider. It may need to be sourced from the publisher. 

    Available X weeks ago

    Enter the numerical amount of weeks from the current date. This field captures new offers added to the marketplace that are available for purchase, and offers that were previously cataloged, but are newly made available. For example, when an offer previously flagged as "Not Yet Published" becomes available per the publisher/platform.

    Award Name Use to narrow offers in feeds and Selection Plans down to specific award recipients or nominees.
    Binding  Enter the type of binding of the offer. Rialto supports over one 120 binding options, any of which could display here, regardless of the format selected.
    Book Type Use to search for unique titles that fall under a specific type of publication, such as dissertation or textbook. These values are manually assigned to offers by the New Titles team when treating titles. For a complete list of available values, see Book Type Values.
    Collection  Search for a specific collection name, or select a platform to then view the first set of results.
    Country of Publication
    Enter the country of publication of the offer. If needed, the city of publication can be viewed in the offer details. 
    DDA Available 
    Use this field to show or hide ebooks that are available to be added to the DDA pool.
    On DDA profiles page, this does not appear because this is already configured as selected. 
    Dewey Enter a three-digit number to begin searching for the level of the classification you want to include or exclude. 
    Downloadable  Use to show or hide ebooks that can be downloaded by patrons. 
    DRM free Use to show or hide ebooks that have no digital rights-management assignment. 
    Ebook offerings for print offerings  This unique filter pulls in your institution's print holdings and matches them to the corresponding ebooks available in the marketplace.
    Enter the format of the offer: print, e-book, or other, which includes all the alternative formats, such as various audio and video formats, and offers that include CD-ROMs, maps, music scores, video games, etc.  
    Genre Enter genre to include or exclude offers that are part of a listed category. These are manually assigned to offers by the New Titles team.
    Held in my institution

    Use to include or exclude your institution's holdings from feed results. The holdings data is pulled directly from what is available in Alma, helping to prevent duplicate purchases, or facilitating to purchase additional copies of highly-used materials. 

    By default, Rialto is configured to show holdings that are suppressed. Administrators can configure the system to hide suppressed holdings from the configuration page

    ISBN Search by full ISBN (10 or 13 digit). You can search for multiple ISBNs at one time (the amount of ISBNs that you can search for is limited to 256 characters in total). To do so, enter the ISBN's into "ISBN" marketplace search with a comma placed between number sets.
    ISSN Search by full ISSN to retrieve offers that fall under a specific serial publication.
    Interdisciplinary Studies Select this option to focus on offers under an area of study that crosses multiple disciplines. These values are manually assigned to offers by the New Titles team. For a list of offers, see Interdisciplinary Studies Subject Areas. 
    Enter a keyword, or several keywords separated by comma (,).
    Rialto finds any titles with the keywords in the title, author name, publication year, and series title. For example, searching for "Harry Potter Rowling 2020" finds all works with "Harry Potter" in the title and with Rowling as the author released in 2020. 
    Language  Enter the language in which the offer is available to purchase.
    Last Sold x years ago This allows for filtering by materials sold up to the past eleven years by ProQuest, enabling users to focus on items with verified sales to reduce potential noise when performing a broader search. 
    LC Classification
    Select one of the main classes of the Library of Congress classifications, or drill down to the next level in the hierarchy.
    LC Subject
    Enter the LC enter the subject name to refine feed output by Library of Congress Subject Headings.
    Enter the available e-book license types offered by the platforms: Single User, Three User, Concurrent, Unlimited, Non Linear Lending. 
    New editions for held titles (Beta) Match owned titles with the most recent editions published and available in the market.
    NLM Classification Select one of the main classes of the NLM (National Library of Medicine) classification, or drill down to the next level in the hierarchy. For details, see NLM Classification.
    Select the electronic platform on which the title is made available. Rialto holds all available platforms in ProQuest, and will continue to grow to provide a vendor-neutral marketplace. 
    Price Select this option to refine your feed output by list price. Choose your operator to include or exclude offers above or below a given list price. 
    Publication Type Select the category of titles that you would like to include or exclude. Present categories are reprints and self published.
    Published X years ago Enter the numerical amount of years from the current year. Rialto finds any titles published in the range from the current year to the indicated number of years. 
    Publisher (contains) This option allows for you to enter free text within name field, and when used in a search will either include or exclude all related values that contain the text entered. For example, using the phrase "university press" will search for all publishers that contain the text "university" and "press" within their name. 
    Publisher (exact) This option allows for you to enter text within the name field, however, you are required to select an exact publisher name after entering text, and when used in a search will either include or exclude all the values that fall within the exact name selected. For example, after entering the phrase "university press," you must select a publisher name before performing the search. If no name is selected the page will display an error (within the query builder) or return no results (advanced search). 
    Publisher Lists Enables administrators to create a list of publishers for other staff to include or exclude from queries. For more information, see Publishers Lists.
    Publisher Type Use this filter to exclude or include titles that are known to be offered by a publishers that focus primarily on reprinted or self published materials.
    Readership level
    Enter the readership level of the offer. Some offers may have multiple readership levels, so when you apply a filter for one level you might see other levels returned in your results. These values are manually assigned to offers by the New TItles team.
    Regional focus Select a region to find offers with content that is about or features specific geographic areas. You can select the ares in the drop down or search. These values are manually assigned to offers by the New Titles team.
    Review Source Use to refine offers by review source.
    Series Title Use to refine by offers that fall under a specific series title. 
    Short Term Loan (Ebooks) Use to show or hide ebooks that are available as Short Term Loan under a DDA plan. 
    Title Search by a full title or a part of title.
    Treated Titles Use this to focus on materials that have been reviewed by our New Titles team. The New Titles team locates and evaluates newly published content and provides enhanced metadata to enable optimal collection management activities. 
    Treated X weeks ago Enter the numerical amount of weeks from the current date. This allows you to focus on offers that have been recently treated by the New Titles team.
    Year of Publication Enter the publication year for the title(s) you are targeting. 

    Testing a Recommendations Feed Profile 

    Before publishing the profile to users, it may be a good idea to validate that your recommendations profile brings the desired results, and if it does not, edit it some more.

    You can test your entire profile or only a single group of criteria within the profile. 

    To test a recommendation profile:
    • Once you have created your profile, click test profile icon.png. You can click it for the entire profile or for a single group of criteria within the profile. 
      The screen splits and the feed resulting from the profile appears on the left. If you like the result, click Save. If not, close the feed by clicking X in the upper-top corner and edit the profile.

    Editing a Recommendation Profile

    To edit a recommendation profile:
    1. On the Recommendations Profile List page (Market > Manage Profiles > Recommendations Profile List), check a profile that you would like to edit. 
    2. Make the necessary changes. You can modify name and description, modify configuration, and change the ranking profile. 
    3. When done, select Save

    Deleting a Recommendations Feed

    Deleting a recommendations profile will remove the feed for all selectors.  The next time the selector views their list of feeds, they will no longer see the deleted recommendations feed associated with the deleted profile.

    To delete a recommendation profile:
    1. On the Recommendations Profile List page (Market > Manage Profiles > Recommendations Profile List), check one or more profiles that you would like to delete. 
    2. Select Remove Selected above the list. The profiles are removed. 
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