E-mail Notifications
E-mail Notifications for Deposit Activity
Rosetta e-mails a report on deposit activity for a given Producer’s account when two conditions are met:
- The Producer or a Negotiator registers the Producer and signs the Producer up to receive regular reports.
This condition is met when a Producer self-registers or when a Negotiator registers a Producer. See Add Producer Account Process. - A Negotiator activates these reports from the back office and sets the start date and the frequency for all Producer reports in the system. See Modifying the Producer Report Job.
Digital Signature
To use a digital signature on e-mail communications, set up the feature as follows:
Obtain the certificate through an external certificate of authority (CA).
Copy the certificate to Rosetta deposit server. Configure the following parameters:
- digital_certificate: the location of the certificate
- digital_certificate_password: the password for the certificate
- digital_signature: flag to turn on/off the digital signature
Digital Signature Option on General Parameters Page