Acceptable codes for MARC indicator fields in Voyager displaycfg and displayHoldings XML files
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
What is the coding for the two MARC indicator fields in the WebVoyage displaycfg.xml and displayHoldings.xml files?
The two indicator fields can equal 0-9 to display only when said indictor matches that number, a pipe (|) can indicate a null field, and an X is used as a wildcard.
Additionally, the subfield field contains all subfields that you wish to display.
Example 1:
<displayTags label="Author:">
<displayTag field="100" indicator1="X" indicator2="X" subfield="aqd"/>
Example 2:
<displayTags label="Author:">
<displayTag field="100" indicator1="0" indicator2="X" subfield="abcdefgjklnpqtu" redirect="author" redirectOn="abcdefgjklnpqtu"/>
<displayTag field="100" indicator1="1" indicator2="X" subfield="abcdefgjklnpqtu" redirect="author" redirectOn="abcdefgjklnpqtu"/>
<displayTag field="100" indicator1="3" indicator2="X" subfield="abcdefgjklnpqtu" redirect="author" redirectOn="abcdefgjklnpqtu"/>
Example 3:
<displayTags label="Other Author(s):">
<displayTag field="700" indicator1="0" indicator2="2" subfield="abcdefgjklmnopqrst" redirect="author" redirectOn="abcdefgjklmnopqrst"/>
<displayTag field="700" indicator1="1" indicator2="2" subfield="abcdefgjklmnopqrst" redirect="author" redirectOn="abcdefgjklmnopqrst"/>
<displayTag field="700" indicator1="3" indicator2="2" subfield="abcdefgjklmnopqrst" redirect="author" redirectOn="abcdefgjklmnopqrst"/>
Example 4 (Add vxyz subfields):
<displayTags label="Subjects:">
<displayTag field="650" indicator1="X" indicator2="0" subfield="abcvxyz" redirect="subject" redirectOn="abcvxyz">
<subfield value="v" preText="--"/>
<subfield value="x" preText="--"/>
<subfield value="y" preText="--"/>
<subfield value="z" preText="--"/>
Example 5:
<displayTags label="Notes:">
<displayTag field="500" indicator1="X" indicator2="X" subfield="a"/>
Note that in this last example multiple 500 fields will display in the order they occur in the catalog record.
Additional Information
See also:
What are the "Display Codes" used in Voyager WebVoyage?
How to alter bibliographic or holdings information displayed in record display
- Article last edited: 24-Sept-2020