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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Barcodes orphaned for proxy and sponsor patrons

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.0.1, 8.2.2


    Problem Symptoms

    • Orphaned entries in PROXY_PATRON table for both proxy patrons and sponsor patrons
    • Patrons cannot be deleted via Circulation client

    Defect Status

    This behavior is the result of two Known Issues:

    Issue 18375 (proxy patrons orphaned prior to Voyager 7.x), resolved for Voyager 7.0.1 and higher.

    Issue 16384-20145 / VYG-1896 (proxy patrons orphaned in Voyager 7.x and up), resolved for Voyager 8.2.2 and higher.

    Replication steps

    1. Circulation>Patron>search for and retrieve patron record.
    2. Patron menu at top>Proxy Patron
    3. Add proxy patron.
    4. Pull up proxy patron record from step 3.
    5. Add a second barcode.
    6. Delete the barcode used in step 3.
    7. Pull up patron from step 1.
    8. Try to delete patron record, but receive "Unable to delete patron. Patron is associated with proxy patrons."
    If attempting to delete via Patron Patron Purge Circjob; receive error: "NOT DELETED | Patron is a proxy for another patron"


    For orphaned proxy barcodes (PROXY_PATRON.PATRON_BARCODE_ID_PROXY has entry in PATRON_BARCODE table; PROXY_PATRON.PATRON_BARCODE no longer has entry in PATRON_BARCODE table):

    1. Circulation > Patron > Open patron record
    2. Patron > Edit Patron ...
    3. Add another barcode to patron's record.
    4. Delete the orphaned barcode. This will clear proxy associations with the barcode from PROXY_PATRON.
    5. Delete entire patron record if desired.

    For orphaned sponsor barcodes (PROXY_PATRON.PATRON_BARCODE_ID has entry in PATRON_BARCODE table; PROXY_PATRON.PATRON_BARCODE_ID_PROXY no longer has entry in PATRON_BARCODE table):

    1. Circulation > Patron > Open patron record
    2. Patron > Edit Patron ...
    3. Add another barcode to the patron record. (Skip this step if there already is one).
    4. Delete orphaned barcode. (May see a warning that patron has proxy associations. These will be cleared from PROXY_PATRON when the barcode is deleted.)
    5. Delete entire patron record if desired.
    (The above workaround does not work prior to 8.2. In earlier versions, users receive a Run-time error 5.)


    • Article last edited: 02-Jun-2016