Classic WebVoyage times out if post sort or click next results page after GKEY search on Advanced Search tab
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: all
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Problem Symptoms
1. Go to the Advanced (Builder) search tab in Classic WebVoyage
2. Perform a Keyword Anywhere search called 'Keyword Anywhere (GKEY)' for any search term
3. When results list is retrieved, attempt to re-sort the results set
4. WebVoyage will hang and eventually return a message like 'Gateway timeout'
3. When results list is retrieved, attempt to use the Next button to page through to more results
4. WebVoyage will hang and eventually return a message like 'Gateway timeout'
This problem can happen when a search name includes parentheses, like 'Keyword Anywhere (GKEY)'
1. Go to SysAdmin>Search>Indexes - Keyword Definitions and edit the search name to remove the parentheses
2. Execute the search again and post-sort and results navigation should work again
Additional Information
Sites have reported a number of odd behaviors in the Classic interface when special characters are used in search names, filter names, sort option names, and other labels that appear in WebVoyage. It's always a good idea to test removing any special characters to see if this resolves the issue. NOTE: These behaviors do *not* happen in the Tomcat interface. The Classic WebVoyage interface is no longer supported.
- Article last edited: 24-Sep-2020