Deleting item records in Voyager
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Need information about problems encountered when trying to delete item records in Voyager.
Items that have been requested, checked out or items with outstanding fines/fees are examples of active circulation transactions.
These items cannot be deleted until the transaction concludes.
Depending on the tool used to process deletes, you may receive an error message immediately when attempting to delete or you may receive a message in a preview or production log.
You will see errors like the following:
- Update item status= Unable to delete. Item is currently blocked.
- Requested items= Unable to delete. Item has been queued for callslip.
- Checked out items= Unable to delete. Item is currently charged.
- Fines/fees= Unable to delete. Item has associated fine/fee.
- Unable to delete, item is charged to a patron.
- Item xxxx is blocked:
- Item is charged
- Item has exception entry in circ_trans_exception
These items will need to have the active circulation transactions conclude before they can be deleted.
Additional Information
See also:
- Delete an e-item in the Voyager Course Reserve module
- Remove physical items from a Voyager Course Reserve List
- "Item has an exception logged" when try to delete
- Article last edited: 03-Nov-2020