EBSCO EDS Discovery Service has problem connecting to Voyager for RTAC information
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
EBSCO EDS Discovery uses Z39.50 to determine real time availability of materials in the Voyager database.
"The EBSCO Discovery service is having trouble connecting to our Voyager server for RTAC (Real Time Availability) information. Is there anything we can do about this problem?"
- Connection problems can be caused by EBSCO searches using up all available Voyager incoming Z39.50 connections.
- Decrease the Z39.50 server timeout for idle connections.
- Set the timeout to 240 (that is four minutes) and monitor the effect on your services.
- For instructions on setting the timeout see: How do I set the timeout period of the Z39.50 server?
Additional Information
The timeout for idle connections works in tandem with max sessions (or simultaneous "connections"), which is set to 50 by default in the same ini file where the idle timeout is configured. See: Is it possible to change maximum connections for z39.50 server? How?
- Article last edited: 20-Mar-2019