How to backdate a discharge transaction in Voyager Circulation
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
How do I backdate a discharge transaction in Voyager Circulation?
When you backdate a discharge, Voyager uses the backdated date as the discharge date for the transaction, affecting the accrual of fines/fees.
- Libraries that assess overdue fines and fees often backdate discharge items returned during times that the library was closed (over an evening, a weekend, or over a holiday or other break).
- The decision to backdate or not often depends on whether the library assesses overdue fines/fees, the length of grace periods offered for patron groups/item types, and whether the library assesses fines/fees for times when the library is closed.
- Open the Discharge screen in Voyager Circulation
- Click the "backdate" button in the upper left corner.
- Set the backdate discharge date and time, click OK.
- A confirmation screen will notify you of the modified discharge date.
- The discharge screen will display the backdate discharge time in the upper left corner
- Discharge the items to be backdate discharged.
When finished backdate discharging, click the "backdate" button again to return to normal discharge mode, or close the discharge screen (otherwise the override discharge date will continue to apply for subsequent discharges).
- Article last edited: 15-May-2020