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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    MarcExport generates records for deleted bib IDs

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.1.0

    Problem Symptoms:
    * When exporting range of records, MarcExport creates records for deleted bib_id numbers with data from previous MARC record in sequence.

    This behavior is the result of a defect in Voyager 8.2.1

    This defect appears to be fixed by and higher. If you are on Voyager 8.2.1 and you are experiencing this behavior, please open a Support Incident via eService to request the latest 8.2.1 hotfix package.

    Additional Information

    Replication steps
    1. Find a bib_id range where some of the bib records have been deleted.
    170, 171, 173, 175 exist for bib_id range 170-175; bib_id 172 and 174 have been deleted.
    2. Run MarcExport on this bib_id range.
    Pmarcexport -rB -mR -t170-175
    3. Note that more than the actual number of bibs are exported (in this example, 6).
    4. Look at the resulting marc.exp* record file. Note that there are records with 001 fields of 172 and 174. 172 contains the MARC data from bib_id 171. 174 contains the MARC data from 173.

    Workaround: Use a list of bib_ids (-mM)

    Category: (Voyager)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013