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    360 Core: Library-Specific (Library-Managed) Holdings Database -- Overview

    • Product: 360 Core Client Center

    How do I create and manage a library-specific holdings database?

    For background information on why you would want to use a library-specific holdings database (also called library-managed holdings or locally-managed holdings), see Including Your Library's Print, Individual e-Journal, e-Book, and OPAC Holdings in a Library-Specific-Holdings Database.

    The process for creating and adding titles to a library-specific holdings database comprises several steps, which are outlined in different places here in the Support Center. You can find the full process in the downloadable Client Center User Guide, or use the following links to specific steps in the process:

    1. Creating a New Library-Specific-Holdings Database

    2. Adding Individual Titles to Your Library-Specific Holdings Database

    3. Uploading Multiple Titles to a New Library-Specific Holdings Database

    4. Viewing Your Upload Status

    5. Upload Status Errors

    6. Updating Your Library-Specific Holdings Database

    7. Deleting Titles

    If your library subscribes to Summon or 360 Link, please read about some issues that occur with library-specific holdings databases and those two services.