360 Core: E-Journal Portal Administration Console -- Database List
- Product: E-Journal Portal
How do I configure the database list in the E-Journal Portal Administration Console?
This page is part of a larger set of documentation about using the Administration Console to configure your E-Journal Portal.
Note: Libraries using the legacy E-Journal Portal interface should jump here. If you are not sure if your library uses the legacy or the enhanced E-Journal Portal interface, see this article.
Database List in E-Journal Portal 2.0
The database list in your E-Journal Portal is a way for your patrons to directly access the databases to which you subscribe. The look and feel of the list is customized via the Search Page Options admin page. You configure the content of the database list from the Database List admin page.
Here is the initial view of the Database List page:

On this admin page, for edits that involve selecting an option (for example, selecting which databases display in your E-Journal Portal), you need to click Edit in the upper-right corner. After you make such option changes, click Save, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
For edits that involve customizing text (for example, changing the Database List Label), don't click Edit; instead, click the appropriate View/Edit link and you will be taken to the Custom Text page, where the text is highlighted in blue for easy identification.
Changes to your E-Journal Portal will not be visible to patrons until the next day; to see how your changes will look without having to wait, click Preview.
If your library has the Current Tab setting displaying on the admin page, select All Resources from the drop-down menu and then use the List Databases area to select which E-Journal and E-Book databases you want to display in the Database List.
- It is fine if your library does not have the Current Tab setting displaying on the page; the setting applies only to the legacy E-Journal Portal interface. Your admin page will display all your resources in the List Databases area and you can select which E-Journal and E-Book databases you want to display in the Database List.
Database List: This setting provides the option to display or hide the database list.
To change any of the text below, click the View/Edit link, which takes you to the appropriate label/note on the Custom Text page.
Database List Label: Here you can change the label above the database list. The default text reads, "Search for keywords in e-journals."
List Databases: If you want to highlight only the most-used resources, use this section to remove databases from the list by unchecking the boxes next to the undesired databases.
Database List Note: This setting allows you to add a note to the bottom of the database list. The note can contain any information your users need. By default, there is no database list note.
Database List in the legacy E-Journal Portal interface
The database list in your E-Journal Portal is a way your patrons can directly access the databases to which you subscribe. You configure the content of the database list from the Administration Console.
Here is the initial view of the Database List page:

For edits that involve selecting an option (for example, selecting which databases display in your E-Journal Portal), you need to click Edit in the upper-right corner. After you make such option changes, click Save, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
For edits that involve customizing text (for example, changing the Database List Label), don't click Edit; instead, click the appropriate View/Edit link and you will be taken to the Custom Text page, where the text is highlighted in blue for easy identification.
Changes to your E-Journal Portal will not be visible to patrons until the next day; to see how your changes will look without having to wait, click Preview.
A database list looks like this on the E-Journal Portal search page (below screenshot is from legacy E-Journal Portal):

If your library subscribe to e-books as part of your 360 Core service, and you use the tabbed-view search page, then in the Administration Console you will first see an option to choose which tab s database list you want to customize:

All other libraries will first see the option to choose whether your E-Journal Portal will include or exclude the database list.
One reason you might choose to exclude the database list is because many patrons tend to jump from database to database only. By not displaying the database list, you can encourage your patrons to use the E-Journal Portal's search functions.
To change any of the text below, click the View/Edit link, which takes you to the appropriate label/note on the Custom Text page.
Database List Label: Here you can change the label above the database list. The default text reads, "Search for keywords in e-journals."
List Databases: If you want to highlight only the most-used resources, use this section to remove databases from the list by unchecking the boxes next to the undesired databases.
If the list of databases on your E-Journal Portal is too long, you can turn it into a dropdown list for easier use by your patrons. Read about that here.
Database List Note: This section allows you to add a note to the bottom of the database list. The note can contain any information your users need. By default, there is no database list note.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 15-Sep-2016
- Old Article Number: 7091