Delete Bibliographic Records Including Related ADM/HOL Records (manage-33)": running in ADM or HOL library
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
Can "Delete Bibliographic Records Including Related ADM/HOL Records (manage-33)" be run in an ADM or HOL library?
No, it cannot. It is found only in the bib library's GUI Services and is set up to --after doing specified checks-- delete bib records and any associated ADM or HOL records.
If run in an ADM or HOL library, it will still delete bib records! Run it *only* in bib or authority libraries. (Or Course libraries: see the article Can manage-33 be run for a Course library? )
If there are items connected to the ADM or HOL record which also need to be deleted, then the item-11 service can and should be used. It has an option to delete not only the item records, but in the case where the associated HOL record no longer has any items, the HOL record as well -- and in the case where the bib record then has no items, the bib record as well. This service is described in the article " How to run the item-11 Service ".
If no items are involved, then the HOL or ADM record could be deleted by running the manage-18 Service, as described in the article " Batch HOL or ADM record deletion ".
Additional Information
If bib records *are* unintentionally deleted by running manage-33 in the ADM or HOL library and they are available on the Test server or elsewhere, they can be restored as follows: run print-03 (in Aleph sequential format) to output the missing records; use manage-18 to load them onto the target server. (Note: The b_manage_18_a program doesn't allow the the overlay of a deleted record. The special procedures described in the article " Restore of deleted Bib, ADM, Item and HOL records " would need to be followed.)
Category: Cataloging
- Article last edited: 1-May-2019