How to run p_item_11 item deletion for particular sublibraries *MASTER RECORD*
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
We want to run p_item_11 to delete the item records for sublibraries qrsfr and qrsfw in ADM library qrs50. Prior to running the job we want to back up the records which the job will be updating.
Note: If you want to delete selected items for all sublibraries, then please consult the article How to run the item-11 Service . If you want to delete all the items for a particular ADM library, then please consult the article How to remove an ADM library .
I submitted test runs of the jobs from the GUI on the Test server and generated the following commands which I then used for actual runs on Test and Prod....
Following are the jobs I ran to backup and delete the items (and the relevant HOL and bib records) for the two qrs50 sublibraries, qrsfr and qrsfw....
First, since p_item_11 will not delete items on loan (and has no override for this condition) I used SQL to get a list of qrsfr and qrsfw items still on loan and had the Circ staff discharge them.
Then I did this to back up the qrs50 item file:
> dlib qrs50
> csh -f $aleph_proc/p_file_03 QRS50,z30,go > & qrs50_p_file_03.z30.js.log &
Then this to locate the QRSFR and QRSFW bib records:
> dlib abc01
> csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ret_03 ABC01,qrsfrjs,wsl=qrsfr > & abc01_p_ret_03.qrsfr.log &
> csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ret_03 ABC01,qrsfwjs,wsl=qrsfw > & abc01_p_ret_03.qrsfw.log &
(An alternative would be to do GUI searches to retrieve the bib records linked to sublibraries qrsfr and qrsfw, and save the sets on the server.)
Then this to save the qrs FR and FW bib records:
csh -f $aleph_proc/p_print_03 ABC01,qrsfrjs,ALL,,,,,,,,qrsfrjs.out,A,,,,Y, > & abc01_p_print_03.qrsfr.log &
csh -f $aleph_proc/p_print_03 ABC01,qrsfwjs,ALL,,,,,,,,qrsfwjs.out,A,,,,Y, > & abc01_p_print_03.qrsfw.log &
Then ran p_manage_70 to generate a file ("qrsfr.hol.js") of abc60 HOL records linked to these abc01 bib records. (Note: Convert Type "09" is BIB-TO-HOL.):
csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_70 ABC01,qrsfrjs,qrsfr.hol.js,ABC01,09, > & abc01_p_manage_70.qrsfr.log &
csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_70 ABC01,qrsfwjs,qrsfw.hol.js,ABC01,09, > & abc01_p_manage_70.qrsfw.log &
and this to save the hol records:
> dlib abc60
> csh -f $aleph_proc/p_print_03 ABC60,qrsfr.hol.js,ALL,,,,,,,,qrsfr.hol.js.out,A,,,,N, > & abc60_p_print_03.qrsfr.log &
> csh -f $aleph_proc/p_print_03 ABC60,qrsfw.hol.js,ALL,,,,,,,,qrsfw.hol.js.out,A,,,,N, > & abc01_p_print_03.qrsfw.log &
(in case of the need to recover them).
Then this to make a file of QRSFR and QRSFW item numbers:
> dlib qrs50
> csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ret_adm_01 QRS50,,p_ret_adm_01.qrsfr-fw,SUBLI,QRSFR,QRSFW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N,00,03,,,,QRBAUBEL > & qrs50_p_ret_adm_01.qrsfr-fw.log &
Then this to run p_item_11:
> csh -f $aleph_proc/p_item_11 QRS50,p_ret_adm_01.qrsfr-fw,,qrsfr-fw.notices,Y,Y,Y,Y,00,00,00,Y,BATCH-DELETE, > & qrs50_p_item_11.1029.js.log &
Additional Information
See also Articles:
* item-11 incorrectly deletes HOL records for other ADMs
* Question about removing a sublibrary from Aleph
* Deletion of items (z30 records)
- Article last edited: 28-Mar-2017