Automatic Delete or Suppress Brief Course Reserve Citations when a course ends
- Product: Alma
NOTE: Currently there is an issue with this functionality, course_restricted_bib_data_will_be_deleted set to TRUE does NOT result in the course restricted bib being deleted at this time.
Can a Course Reserves Operator also delete brief course reserve (reading lists) citations, after the course ends? If not, what is the recommended solution?
The privilege to delete a bibliographic record is given only to a Cataloger Extended Role.
Instead of enabling a limited role for this purpose, the development team offers suppress or auto-delete bib records based on the "course_restricted_bib_data_will_be_deleted" parameter.
The "course_restricted_bib_data_will_be_deleted" is found in: Configuration Menu > Resources > General > Other Settings
It indicates if the published course data will be deleted (true) or suppressed (false, which is the default) from Primo when the course becomes inactive.
Additional Information
More about the parameter in: Configuring Other Settings (Resource Management)
- Article last edited: 19-JUN-20